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Puppy Biting


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I have a 6 month old Jack Russell x German Shepherd, he is a really sweet puppy friendly to everyone dogs kids cats etc and knows all his basics sit, wait, leave down etc the only problem we have there is recall which is fine unless there is anything slightly more interesting than us!

The only issue that we are having is the play biting despite trying absolutely everything over the last few months nothing seems to work. He will also start pawing you for attention which drives me mad especially as i'm home all day with him and he does get played with walked and given cuddles all day.we have tried.

yelping (only excites him more)

replacing our hands/legs with a toy (he's not interested)

leaving the room or putting him out of the room (will start again within 30 seconds of him coming back in and i have on various occasions done this for hours every time he bites)

asking him to sit or distracted him in over ways (if he is really hyper he just ignores us completely and carries on the biting)

I have been consistent with all of them and given it a few weeks but nothing works in fact he is getting worse and although i genuinely believe he is just wanting to play he is getting stroppier with it especially if i tell him no, the usual pattern is i say no and he sits and barks at me for 5 minutes while i ignore him. He is on what i believe is a good food (please tell me if anyone has any knowledge on this tho i'm always open to suggestions if it benefits him) first class hyper-allergenic when we first got him he was on bakers which i took him off straight away so i don't think changing his food would make much difference.

I am going to my sisters for xmas and my nephew is 4 she has just gotten a puppy so i'm hoping he will spend most of the time playing with her but i am worried he may play bite with my nephew and although he is used to dogs (my sister also has a 10 yr old dog) i know he could easily catch my nephew a bit too hard and hurt him

If anyone has any help i would be very grateful everytime i've looked for solution all that seems to come back is yelp or walk away but there seems no be no help for what happens if you have a very stubborn puppy and these don't work!!


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Hello and welcome to Dog Forum!

Have you spoken to a Behaviourist?

It sounds like you are doing all the right things, so it must be very frustrating!
Here are some articles on this subject by qualified, reputable trainers and behaviourists;wap2


  • Your Clever Dog: Puppy biting, chewing and over-excitability with children
Sarah Whitehead

All puppies bite! They come with a set of needlesharp teeth that a shark would be proud of. This behaviour is perfectly normal, but needs to be prevented in order for the dog to become a calm and social member of the family.

This DVD is specially designed to show you exactly what you need to do to reduce and then stop your puppy from biting and mouthing using only kind and fair methods, and the secrets that top dog trainers know.

This DVD also covers the essentials for making sure that your ‘puppy chewing machine flexes his teeth on all the right things, and leaves your shoes, the kids’ toys and your furniture alone.

Sarah Whitehead also gives advice on puppies and children, and how to ensure they grow up happily together.


• Why biting is an integral part of your puppy’s development

• How to control your puppy’s biting

• How to keep kids safe with your puppy

• How to play with your puppy to help control biting

The pack contains: A clicker, tab handle, training manual, instructional DVD, 55 mins approx running time including Bonus trick, Bonus Training Session, Intro to Clicker Training, Q & A with Sarah
I fully sympathise as I am having the same problem with a seven month old rotti I have had eight days I also give him loads of attention but something seems to trigger this biting action this is my third rotti and had forgot this is something I have to master arms and hands are black and blue glad it's not summer. Did start practising a method called NILIF which stands for nothing in life is free so you complety fold your arms turn your back and ignore your dog and cos its not getting reaction it gives up but think its has got to be percivered to get results .must admit it is getting me down but won,t let it beat me
Puppies can sometimes go through this stage, some stern telling of who's boss should help. Dogs need to know who's the 'leader of the pack' and your puppy seems to be trying to break the ranks :) It's normal for alot of pups, so don't worry., just keep on top of the situation it should fizzle out.