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Puppy Advice


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Im hoping to get a pup soon, but in the meantime I was wondering if people could give their opinions, experiences, or advice on how to make things easier (i know its not 'easy' as such) when bringing up a pup.


How often do they need feeding? Whats best for them?


Are there any tips for getting the pup trained.


Will the pup be afraid, or lonely if it is left alone downstairs at night? Should we persevere with keeping it alone if it is, so that it gets used to things.


Do we smack the pup if it does something wrong? If not, how do we chastise it, and teach it the right thing to do.


Any tips on how to get the pup behave?

Any other tips, on any other matters, would be gratefully recieved. Or if anyone can recommend info on a website, or a book to buy, that would be great.

Thanks again for your help, we do need it, as we want the pup, and the family, to be as happy as possible.


APOLOGIES - never seen the links on the site until id posted this. However, if anyone can add anything ...
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I am sure everyone will differ on this subject as people have there own tried and tested methods of bringing up a new pup, but here is my advice!

Feeding - I feed my new puppy four meals a day (at 8 weeks of age) and this would consists of:- Breakfast either weetabix, scrambled egg or milky ready brek with lactol puppy milk to drink.

Lunchtime - small meat based meal - fresh mince meat etc with small amount of puppy mixer.

Evening - fresh chicken meat or lambs liver etc!

Supper - Lactol puppy milk with soaked cereal etc.

Obviously as the puppy gets older the number of meals can be reduced until you are feeding one/two per day. I usually feed lactol puppy milk for quite a while though!

SLEEPING AT NIGHT - your puppy will more than likely howl the first night and if possible it is a good idea to have an item of bedding or a soft toy with the smell of the litter mates on it as this will give a feeling of security to the pup - also an alarm clock ticking (wrapped in a towel) can mimick the heart beat of the mother etc and so this can also work to help the pup settle. Try not to keep going to the pup if it crys as it will soon learn that it can get you running to it and will expect this all the time! After a couple of nights your pup will be fine and as long as you ensure the pup is in a warm, cosy bed at night (perhaps in a cage or boxed in in a convenient area of a room) you should have few problems.

Toilet training - I prefer not to use training to paper and just keep taking the pup outside to "perform" this should be done on the puppy waking, after feeding after playing - at any opportunity. The pup will soon learn what is expected. Try to put the pup out last thing and night and early on a morning - on no account rub the pups nose in anything it does by accident.

General - Try to ensure your pup has a place in the house where it can go for a bit of peace and quite (particularly if you have kids!) and also ensure you train the pup from an early age what is right and what is wrong - do not allow alot of excessive mouthing on your arms/hands etc as this can lead to problems later on - be firm but kind in telling your pup off - a sharp "no" works wonders and a treat given when something has gone well also has the same affect! Try not to smack the puppy.

You will need lots of toys and things for the pup to chew on when it is teething - raw hide chews etc are a great idea for the pup to chew on.

As long as you are fim but kind and give your pup lots of attention and love you won;t go far wrong - you will get "toielt accidents" chewed items of furniture etc and "bad days" when pup seems to be a total little monkey, but in the end perserverance and kindness will pay off and you will have a great companion - Good luck and keep us posted on your new arrival!
Hi! The advice Emily has given you sounds great - I agree about not smacking, it does nothing except ruin the bond of trust that should exist between you and your pup... it will achieve nothing except make the pup fear you :( Positive reinforcement is the key, as in tons of over the top praise in a crazily enthusiastic voice when the pup does the right thing :thumbsup:

Take a look in our FAQ section - I've spent the last few months trawling through almost every thread on K9 and sifting out useful questions that people have asked - and got good answers to - over the years. There is some brilliant advice and lots of expert knowledge on pretty much every subject you can think of, and you'll find the answers to all the questions you asked above, and a lot more besides! :thumbsup:

Here's the link for you: FAQ

Good luck. We'll expect lots of pics and updates when you get your pup :)
Hi Mark,

An excellent book is the Doglopedia by J M Evans and Kay White. Answers all your questions.

Also the Whippets books by J P Moran Healy or Patsy Gilmour or Shirley Rawlings are interesting.

Have you decided to get the little blue boy on Sunday then?
Hallo again,

I thought id give you an update on the pup situation. After much thought and consideration, and also after a lot of help from numerous people on this site (thankyou all so very much by the way), we decided that the little blue boy was for us. The kids loved him instantly, the moment they seen his photograph last week. However we did put off saying yes until we had seen pics of some other pups, all of which were beautiful, but the kids' loved the blue boy and we went ahead and have gotten him home today.

After much deliberation, and countless lists of names, we decided to honour the late Ronnie 'Barker', and call the pup 'Fletch'. This has turned out quite apt, because as i type he is standing behind bars (a puppy gate) giving me the most inconsiderate look imaginable from the kitchen doorway.

I have taken some photos, but as i only know how to email them, and not put them online, i cannot let you see the little fellow. If anyone has any tips on how to put photos on here form a digital camera, then id appreciate the help.

So, our new addition is home safe and well, and the kids have played with and fussed him since he got here. He is the most handsome little lad, and he keeps us entertained no end. If i suss out how to post some pictures, then i will.

But once again thanks to all at K9 for the replies, phone calls, emails, advice and general help and kindness in buying and caring for a whippet pup. I would not hesitate to recommend this site when getting a whippet. You have been fantastic.

Now with my best Mr Mackay impersonation, i will go and get Fletch, and have a brisk walk around the exercise yard before lights out.

Goodnight all.
LOL Loved the line about him looking at you behind bars!! :lol:

Check out the help forum theirs lots of tips on how to post your piks, can't wait to see the little fellow!

Oh what a lovely name! Can't wait to see some pics of Fletch :thumbsup:
Congratulations Mark :cheers: & what a lovely name for your new pup,I'm sure you'll suss out how to post pics of him,well,you'd better as we're all dying to see the wee fella :thumbsup:
Brilliant news Mark,

Hopefully we might see you on a northeast beach so that Twiggy can see her brother!

How is he sleeping at night?
Aah, little Norman Stanley Fletcher, how cool. You don't happen to look like lovely Richard Beckinsale do you?! :- " Good luck with the little man, and learn how to post piccies, quick! :lol:
ponygirl said:
Aah, little Norman Stanley Fletcher, how cool. You don't happen to look like lovely Richard Beckinsale do you?!  :- "  Good luck with the little man, and learn how to post piccies, quick! :lol:
You mention Richard Beckinsale :wub: He grew up not far from me and I used to work with his mum , What a tragedy he died so young :(
Great news, congratulations on your new pup.
Congratulations and best of luck with your new puppy :luck:

:cheers: Welcome to K9 Fletch :cheers:
Great name! Good luck, and here is my Ronnie Barker tribute 9for those that don't read chit chat).

My home grown tomato


It was great reading your request for advice, as i was asking actually the same a couple of weeks ago.....i was also recommended to read "The Perfect Puppy" by Gwen Bailey, which is excellent.

We picked up Alfie exactly 1 week ago.......i'm shattered, but the hard work is worth it and paying off. Hope things are going well with Fletch.

Good luck
:cheers: Congratulations on your wee pup :cheers: can't wait to see some pics of him :huggles: