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Pulling on the lead!


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my 18 week old Sproodle (Gem) is extremely excitable and pulls like mad on the lead during walks. I have tried to get her loose lead walking with treats, toys etc but she either walks by my side for a couple of steps and then back to how she was or completely ignores the treat etc (and me!) and ploughs on! Its extremely frustrating and while its not a huge issue now, it obviously will be as she gets bigger and stronger. She is very intelligent and learns very quickly but nothing has worked yet. I've tried stopping dead when she pulls, turning round and going in the other direction etc etc with no success.

Does anyone have a foolproof method i could try? I have Googled and seen different collars, harnesses etc and even a 'Jingler!!' but i would rather try and train her myself.

One other thing, she doesn't keep herself very clean down below. Is that just a puppy thing that will get better as she matures?

Thanks to everyone in advance for any help you can give.

I gave my dog a limit, ie put a treat usually cheese in my hand, told her to stay close, then let her sniff my hand as we walked, started by doing it from one lamp post to another, if she stayed by my side then she was given the treat, then I just kep repeating this and increased the distance over time. The only time she pulls now is if she sees a cat, but we have 6 of them and shes used to playing with them lol.

the halti harness is a brilliant piece of kit as well, works well, then overtime you can wean them off them.