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Protein %


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what % protein do you all think is best to give a "whippet" when racing, i have been told 28% but what are your views on the subject.........also again what % whilst resting..... :p :D
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aup nutter my dogs when racing are on 28%but when resting drop em down to 18 to 20%,i heard oil content is more important than protien tho :(
I think about 19% for resting such as super greyhound meal, and red mills,australian or chudleys when racing.With the racing meals today you do not need a multivitamin as there are a high amount in the mix.
Connors Lass has a meal with 23% protien. With the 27% and 28% stuff she was getting protien poisoning which was making her lose her fur and was making her lethargic with a stomach upset and cramp in her muscles. We bought some low protien (18%) food but she didnt rekon much to it. This food she has at the moment keeps her at just the right protien level and she likes it (always helpful with a dogs like her and her brother Connors Lad who are known to sulk and prefer to starve than eat something they dont want). ??? ??? ???
I haven't bothered with the racing food...but my pup has James Wellbeloved Junior/Performance which is 24% protein and 100% natural. He seems to be doing OK, and laps it up in seconds. I gave him some some higher protein Euckanbua before his 1st race last week and he went loopy? It's 30% protein, dunno if it's a good thing for a mainly pet dog or not....

But, I do recommend the James Wellboved as it was recomended to me by a gundog trainer, along with Denes wetfood...but we'll all disagree I suppose..

Still I reckon a good cereal breakfast with fruits and honey is the best anyhow...

Connors Lass eats Bakers Complete and she is 19mths old
28 protein is ok if dogs are working hard need a lesser one if resting

That`s a very good question!

I`ve done a fair bit of research on protein metabloism which I`ll dig out for you. The fruits of this research isn`t conclusive and I can`t say whats right and wrong but it does give a bit of an insight.

Dry food 28% max when racing and 18% when resting is probably about right, but its not quite as simple as that.
my dog always used to have one meal of red mills a day for about a year but we have just recently changed to using eukanuba we he seems to be more lively but as yet we havent had the chance to see any diffrerence when he is racing,
I have been told that what u are feeding your dog is very good Jade, thanks Tony , some people say their dog runs well on this and another on some thing else ... would be good if we could find just one that works for mine :b
complete foods are great and save alot of time if you have a few dogs,but if you add meat to a complete food then the protien level will go up.high protien diets reduce energy
a high protien diet,although not affecting health directly,is not only expensive to feed,but does not increase performance in a race dog,the elimination of excess poor quality protein is an energy consuming process,it results in increased urinary ammonia and other wastes,water loss and extra body heat productions so theres no advantage in feedig high protein once a race dog is fit,with perhaps the exception of increasing protein levels for two meals after each race to help maintain muscle tissue,i can read books too :D
:D ooooohhhhhh very good neil :D why what do you feed yours???
Is it the Dr Atkin's high protein diet book Neil?

That causes lethargy and frequent trips to the toilet!
protein is it all it say it is i ran jack,s back 10 year ago all he got to eat was wilson.s extra choice just a dog meal he like to eat no vit now we spend a load on all sorts of gear just to compete jack,s back won 75 opens plus won the first rch no limil title plus 3 nch titles
licker you copied that out of old greyhound star :D ya nutter only joking neil it was very well written well done debs ;) lol :p :p :p :p