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Protection Of The Clique

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there is a certain clique on here that are protected by mods on here and even though no names were mentioned know that they have overstepped the mark and are so embarressed by their actions that they asked for a certain thread to be removed , and June removed it then proceeded to threaten me with the rest of the moderators(also printed your pm to me, I have nothing to hide)


I removed your thread, it was nothing to do with whoever else you have a problem with. I had a complaint about it, and as it was unpleasant, so I removed it.

Please do not post in a way that incites arguements again. Your previous post about urine tests however valid, was inciting unpleasantness.

If you continue to post in this manner, you will be placed on moderator review, and your posts will only be added if they are OK.


there was nothing unpleasant at all it spoke only TRUTHS about the actions of some on here

BEWARE ladies it is illegal to publish a lie and slander where it is available for the general public to see (and yes that does include facebook)

Now unfortunately as you have a mod on here protecting you and your despicable actions and the very simple fact that no apologies were published there or on here where it seems many knew of your conversation then it would appear that I will have to allow my brother in law (who practises litigation)to proceed.

And as this site appears to CONDONE the actions of these women it is only right that it gets mentioned in proceedings, and some of you may not know this but I regulary write in a publication and I will make sure the findings are published.

The lies stemmed from this site so I believe any apologies should come via this site.

I can afford to lose ladies the question is can you?

I am now also printing this post of before it also gets removed , as legally advised.
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Having not been online yesterday I have no idea what your post refers to but there are many ways to "overstep the mark" ... as someone who has suffered from ME/CFS I find your comment in another thread that ME is "the new bad back" particularly offensive, as where the arthritis in my spine has never stopped me from working the ME I suffered from certainly did. But hey, despite quoting and replying to my post you weren't refering to me were you.

No doubt your litigious brother will be able to explain to you that publishing a lie in print or online is libel and not slander, and that libel (and slander) must relate to a named or identifiable person, which as you publish here under a pseudonym you clearly are not. No doubt he can also explain to you the allowable defence of fair comment.
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but you see I was referred to by name ;) and I take it then my thread about the urine test means I can be lied about
You've lost me now ... your name is "shameless52" ?? Proving defamation against someone self avowedly shameless won't be easy, but good luck. And of course your thread gives no one the right to lie about you, I merely drew attention to it as an indicator of how easy you find it to cast aspersions on others :thumbsup:
Shameless52 I wouldnt stoop to the fish wifes level they have had quite a few people band on hear while getting off scott free , they al seem to have an unhealthy relationship. sling your bombs at me cos I couldn't give a toss
i have no idea what any of this is all about, but would it not been grown up to say who you actually are :unsure:

and another point i think you need to check the copy right issue with Judy or Nigel before you start copying threads off K9 ;)
but you see I was referred to by name ;) and I take it then my thread about the urine test means I can be lied about
if you were referred to by name why are you now hidding well I for one have no clue what you are on about or who you are :)

but if you are an attention seeker you seem to have succeeded :lol:
Please remember that this forum should not be used to air your grievances. This thread seems to have been started purely for this purpose. Therefore I am closing it.

From the rules

  • We require all posts to be appropriate, constructive, and on topic. We may delete or move individual posts that could ruin a good topic thread. We reserve the right to remove any topics or posts we deem inappropriate or disruptive to our community. Please note that, from time to time, posts may be removed for being inappropriate even though the individual post in that topic may have been perfectly fine. Please do not feel this reflects badly on the poster.

  • Do not use K9 Community to air your grievances. As examples: If you have a problem with a breeder, handler, partner, co-owner, or kennel keep it private; do not complain about them publicly on K9. If someone on K9 asks about a particular breeder or kennel and you have negative information about them DO NOT put that information on the board get in touch privately.
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