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I understand that members have put forward proposals which they would like the MEMBERS to vote on. Who makes the decision as to whether or not these proposals go out to the members. I understood that if a proposal of workable then the MEMBERS decide. So why is it then that certain proposals that have been submitted to the Committee will NOT go out for the Members to decide. What are the members views on this topic. Should the Committee make the decision as to what should or should not go to the members even when the proposal is workable? :rant:
Totally agree Honeybee. Especially the one for veteran championships.
Totally agree.

Anything the committee doesn't like is deemed "unworkable" and the members never get a chance to vote on them.

Many of the proposals are clearly workable but by choosing what the members get a vote on the committee undermines the democratic principle that the BWRA is based on.
totally agree, however that,s why it is important for the reps from each region to attend these meetings for each region that is not represented ther are 2 votes missing.
weathergirls said:
totally agree, however that,s why it is important for the reps from each region to attend these meetings  for each region that is not represented ther are 2 votes missing.
Sorry but I don't agree with this. Reps can attend meetings , votes can be taken and courses of action decided only for the committee to do what it wants anyway.
If a proposal has not been voted to go to a vote of the members it would be for one or two reasons, either it is unworkable, or the reps that attended the meeting along with the committee did not think by their votes that it was worth pursuing.

Now I can see some people getting upset by this if they had a personal view that a certain proposal was worth being voted on by the members but you put your trust in your area reps to pursue the course that they vote by how their area members tell them to vote.

Each area should have had a local meeting before the proposal meeting when all proposals can be voiced and the outcome is the way that your local area reps should vote, how many did, well I know that the South Yorkshire area would asked their members at their club meeting, i.e. Maltby and Blidworth and that is where I took my lead from, but if any area did hold a pre proposal vote meeting, and they should have done this, how many would turn up to attend such a meeting, not many I would suggest.

So the answer is in the member’s hands, insist on these meetings or make do with what you have now.

At your area meeting that you have in the beginning of 2005 you can put yourself up for office and insist that these meetings take place and if your area pass a proposal to take to the membership in the future, then asked your rep to firmly but politely lend all his or her weight behind that proposal, but if like the majority of whippet racers you only want to race your dog, so be it. But as they say, you can’t have your cake and eat it, so unless you are prepared to do some work for the sport, i.e. area committee member, rep, or an active member who will attend all meetings and insist on all the meetings being held. The ball is firmly in the member’s court, what you get is up to you all.

Please Note, At the proposal meeting all proposals were discussed and voted on by 13 area reps and 4 committee persons, all of those that attended did so in their own time and also paid for their own transport etc. Their were no freebies or paid for drinks or lunches etc. They do this for what they believe will be the betterment of whippet racing rightly or wrongly, but they do it with good intentions. If you think or know you could do better then please put up for a position, take mine, please.
Im glad you bought up the fact that each region should hold a meeting John. We have never had a meeting in our region to my knowledge, we would have attended as there were things we would have liked bringing up. Some regions reps only go to the meeting and vote on there own personal feelings. I think each region needs to look at who there reps are, if thay are not holding meetings with the members and taking back the members veiws ..... thay need new reps for next year
:b i can't see how any area reps can have a members meeting when all proposal's had to be sent to Doreen by the 3rd october and the reps meeting on the 17th october this only allowed 14 day for each area to have members meeting's, the only thing the reps can do with only 2 weeks between proposal's being given to Doreen and the reps meeting, is ask members that go club racing what they think of the proposil's, i will just say that this is not new to this committee there as never been the time to hold members meeting, :)
Having read the comments that have been made regarding the proposals it appears to me that the Reps. do not discuss the "new" proposals with the members prior to the meeting and, therefore, they decide what THEY think and not the majority view of the members. If whippet racing is to survive the members view MUST be considered more carefully. :oops: Members are looking for changes and as they are not having the opportunity to see these considered they are quitting the sport. I have been in this sport for 35 years and each year there are less members/dogs taking part. This could be down to two reasons: 1) changes are required and (2) the costs/expense involved in travelling. We shall be attending the odd few opens next season but we too will be quitting the sport after next year. :p