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Problems with spay scar

Raven oaktree

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I had my 8 month old GSD x Collie x monster spayed in febuary. Everything was great, i gave her arnica for 5 days before and 2 weeks after and the scar healed beautifully with it being barely visible a week ago. On monday while she was having her belly tickled i noticed a small 1 cm lump on the scar so i made a mental note to watch it..On Tuesday i was in and out all day but noticed she was licking and biting the lump. I checked it again and it now looked like a blood blister so i made an appointment for Wed after work. by the time i had got home from work yesterday she had bitten and chewed it and it looked awful so i popped her along to the vets. The vet was shocked because she had been impressed with how well it had healed , she thinks its the internal stitches breaking down and Willow seems to have had some reaction to this, so she has been given antibiotics and of course 'the cone of shame' which she is not too pleased with!! has anyone else had any problems like this? its over a month since she was spayed, would she have problems this late on or could it be something else?
My dogs suffered badly from field harvest mites that caused lots of irritation during the summer and even autumn months. I was recommended this product: it worked wonders for me! They are much happier and don’t nibble at their paws anywhere near as much. So maybe it could work for you too? Hope the problem is resolved soon not good to have poorly dogs :(
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@genghis, thankyou for the link. We have been using coconut oil and its worked wonders....i was confused with the vets explination about he lumps because her scar had healed beautifully, but sure enough each lump that developed got a small septic lump which when popped exposed a little bit of really was bits of her internal sticthes!!..i thought they were supposed to break down internally and just dissolved within the body???..anyway..we pulled all the bits out and now the lumps are healing :)