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Problems After Spaying


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It will be three weeks on Monday since Grace was spayed. Up until when the external stitches came out (10 days) the incision was absolutely fine - clean, no swelling or inflammation. A couple of days after the stitches were removed a swelling about 1.5 cms long and 1 cm deep appeared on the line of the incision. That was a Saturday evening and I phoned the emergency vet service who said it would be either a reaction to the internal stitches breaking down or a little hernia.

Up to my vet first thing on Monday (and I do trust him) who said that everything was holding together fine and it was a reaction to the internal stitches. That was 5 days ago and since then it has remained sore and weeping. I've been washing with salt water and putting aloe propolis cream on it. Is there anything else I should be doing? Would you go back to the vet for more advice? Think I definitely will if there isn't an improvement by Monday.

She is absolutely fine in herself and not distressed by it. Loads of energy, eating well, bright eyed.
I would go back to the vet, I'm afraid, the wound really shouldn't be sore or weeping at this stage.

It's probably just a reaction to the stitches as they vet says, but it sounds as though it may have set up an infection and might need some antibiotics to sort it out.

Good luck, I hope all is well :luck:
Good advice . anti- botics needed I think
go back to the vets for antbi otics i know with some of mine when they have been spayed or lavey after her c setion it took months for the internal stiches to deslove you could feel them through her skin so if she had reacted it would ahve taken moths to heel on its own
Thanks everyone for your help. I've just popped up to the vets for some antibiotics, so with any luck she'll start to improve in a day or so.
My old boy had to be castrated at the begining of the year and had a bad reaction to the cat gut stiches.

The vet has put this on his records so they dont use it on him again in future, it may be your girl is the same.
Sounds like it could be mrsa,i'd get your vet to check for this!
Sounds like it could be mrsa,i'd get your vet to check for this!
Thanks, that hadn't occurred to me but since you've mentioned it I've started putting raw Manuka honey on the wound twice a day. Just before walks so she doesn't just lick it off! Fingers crossed that tackling it from the inside and the outside will soon start showing results :luck: