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Problem Logging Into K9


New Member
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There seems to be a small problem!

For two days now, I have had to log into k9 three times before I'm accepted.

Well no, the system accepts me but then throws me out within seconds, so I have to log in again. :blink:

Is this my system? Or is there something wrong with the k9 site?

A glitch?

Anybody else come across this?

yep had that one too :( along with web host error, max user etc etc. look on help and ideas forum. nigel explains whats causing this and how hes going to sort it out. too technical for me to fully grasp, nevermind explain :b under too slow, k9
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Oh thanks lalena.

I'll have a read - though I'm none too technical myself! :wacko:
The server has been upgraded so hopefully there will be no problems relating to poor server performance...
after trying to get in for days i have finally managed to do it today...

Problem solved by resetting my broadband modem and obtaining a new IPS number by doing so...

the server must log the log-in requests by isp or something and if youve had too many then it sees you as spam or something an blocks you???