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Prinovox Reaction


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I gave my miniature poodle prinovix and she is now vomiting and pacing up and down. Has anyone else experienced this and are there any alternatives?
I hadn’t been treating her for lung worm as I am anti giving her pesticides but I noticed a flea on her so thought I had better use a pippet, now I’m worried she has lung worm because I read it can cause vomiting if giving prinovox in the later stages. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you
So has she already had a worming tablet that didn't cover lungworm, so you gave her Prinovox too? If so, or she is still vomiting or if you still have any concerns, I would suggest you give your vet a ring.

Do you live in a high lungworm area? Map below -

Lungworm: A disaster waiting to happen | My Pet and I
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No I’ve not been giving her any preventatives for anything but when I found a flea on her I thought I had better treat her.
She’s never had a lung worm prevention drugs but after reading about the risks I’m going to start. However right now I’m more worried about her sickness and distress. I’ll call the vets now.
Sorry I misread your first post - missed the crucial word 'anti'. Let us know how she gets on.