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Pricing A Litter


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Something i heard of over the weekend - Is it normal for people to price a litter before they have had a bitch mated?

Not something i do, dont even know what i'm going to charge for this litter off Ella but that's because i'm breeding for myself and the pups are going to good friends, stay close by so that i can see them grow up etc - that to me is more important than the price, to lose money really doesn't bother me - so why do people put a price on a pups head that hasn't even been conceived?

Am i missing something that's really obvious? :wacko:
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I know from experience roughly how much it costs to raise a litter, so if I know what stud dog I'll be using (and ultimately how much that entails) then I know roughly how much I will want for the pups. So if someone asks about price prior to the litter being born (or even conceived) I do have a good idea of how much I'll want for them.

I would have thought that this would be normal for anyone who has bred a litter or two, naturally might not be so easy for someone who's producing their first litter to work out.
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Same here, Lana. Cannot see why it would be so terrible to have an idea what I will ask for my pups.

Agree with Lana & Lida. I usually only breed when I want something for myself as well but you don't want to be out of pocket too much and any 'profit' is ploughed back into the upkeep of the rest of the dogs anyway. Keeping dogs and rearing puppies well is a costly hobby!!! So yes, I know roughly how much the puppies will cost to produce before they are conceived but what you don't know is if you are going to incur EXTRA costs above the norm, like vet's fees for either the dam or the puppies. That would all be taken into account for the final price, it has to be.