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Postal Strike June 29th


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Whilst the country, the government, local authorities etc is almost blinded by competition and profit your postman will be going on strike next Friday, not just for money, although that is one of the reasons. But, to protect jobs, and also to remain part of what community we have left. I know many of my customers (mostly the elderly) appreciate what postman/women do, in all weathers, and all conditions. We have already almost lost the milkman, refuse collections are down to once a fortnight in some places etc. Please support the postman, and protect one of the few traditional jobs we have left.

Kind Regards,

:thumbsup: i think the average person backs us and understands what we have been forced to do, just a shame the media will show us as ''all about the money'' and not just decent people fighting for our jobs :(
I'd be gutted if i lost my postman - he is rather gorgeous :thumbsup: and so helpful - just opens porch door and drops parcels in if I don't hear the bell. :D

n.b. I always keep the door between porch and house closed so puppy cant say hello and go for a wander.
My postie is a darling. He is always so helpful and cheerful. I ould miss him if he went.
Our postie is lovely too :thumbsup: Although I don't get enough post for the strike to effect me!