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Post Natal Depression

sue greenwood

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Do whippet bitches suffer with post natal depression? Piper is behaving very different to her ususal self just lately which makes me think that maybe they do. if they do is it hormonal or is it a vitamin or mineral deficiency?Just recently she has become subdued and broody she even decided a squeeky toy I bought for twister was hers to look after. It only seems to be when she is indoors because when she is out she runs around like normal. Is there anything you can give them to perk them up?
i have some friends that have newfoundlands and she swears by evening primrose oil capsuals
Buffy did exactly the same thing!! She had a soft toy that she would nurse even though she had 3 pups to keep her company. The other thing she did was steal food which she had never done before. I just tried to keep her occupied with walks and runs to take her mind off it and she eventually perked up again. It never entered my head to give her something to help but if anyone has any ideas, I'd be all ears because I think she's having a phantom at the mo and the depression is well.....depressing!!
She seems to be a lot better just lately. I think because we kept a pup she may have felt we weren't paying her enough attention and the pup got it all..Barney played with his sister quite a lot. She is playing more with the pup now but she always seemed to be her usually self when she was out walking.Indoor however she seemed very subdued compared to her old self. It's odd how they can change isn't it.
i have a girl with pups and she is showing blood.( not a lot ) but i am still concerned

vet seemed happy but i don't know.

any advise
All my bitches have passed some "blood" post natal, often for some time. If it's not excessive, it doesn't smell, the bitches temp is normal, and she is happy don't worry - it's normal. :)

Enjoy your pups.