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Positive Fridays!


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Let's say one positive thing about our dogs every Friday!

I love that when I pull up onto our drive Dennis is there looking out the window for me! melts my heart every time :)
I love that Jasper has very clear ideas on where he wants to walk, but will ask me first, and if I say we have to go another way will acquiesce with grace:)
I love that Jasper has very clear ideas on where he wants to walk, but will ask me first, and if I say we have to go another way will acquiesce with grace:)

Love this JudyN!
I love that when I brush Dennis he goes all hyper and every time I try to brush his bum his back legs go all funny!

Gives me the giggles every time!
I love it when Jasper goes up to bed early and when I go up later, he gets off my bed and onto his bed without even being asked :)
Friday is positive for me today as I have the day off work :)
I’m feeling positive about how good my boy is in public places! When we went to the pub last night he just takes it all in his stride and settles down :) he does usually settle down right in the pathway though....
I love how gentle Dennis is with our friends little 1 year old! He defiantly looks at him like another pack member!.... He also looks at him like a great feeder!!
Timber is going to take me and Mr F to the pub later!