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So Bax has been on raw for YEARS and im used to his poos looking a certain way. I switched him to kibble and now they look different.

So I'm conducting a census.

What do your dogs poos look like?

How often do they have them?

What do you feed them?
Jasper's morning poos are usuall nice and firm and cylindrical. Either they are a consistent colour or they show some undigested food - small fragments of bone, carrot, and goodness knows what else.

Afternoon poos are softer, often starting 'normal' but then with a whippy topping :D There's often quite a lot of grass as he seems to think he's a horse, and they can be a little mocousy. At present, they can be a bit challenging to pick up as we seem to have an awful lot of offal & liver in the freezer at the mo (cock-up with the last delivery).

Sometimes, if stuff seems to have moved through him faster than his body can digest, they can look like a lump of conglomerate, or an owl pellet.

He does poo quite often - at least three times a day, sometimes more. He did at least twice that when he was on kibble.

He's raw fed and though his poos aren't perfect, they're a lot better than they would be on kibble. He does seem to have weak stomach acid/fast digestion for a raw-fed dog as he doesn't digest bone that well, but the small bits that come out the end don't cause a problem so on balance I'm happy. Best thing about raw-fed dog poos is that they don't smell much at all.

How's Bax doing on the kibble, Shalista? Is it the vegan one you were thinking of trying?
My lurchers are raw fed and only poo once daily nice and firm and hardly any smell ...the jack russells are raw fed 2 but always have 2 small firm pooso_O
Our lot are raw fed and have been all their lives.
Poo's are very firm, sometimes torpedo shaped, some times hard and lumpy bumpy. If a meal has consisted of a lot of bones the poo's are a very light colour, drying to a white, sometimes a crumbly consistency. If an offal meal is fed, especially with a lot of liver in the mix, the poo's will look very black, and if liver alone is fed the poos are disgustingly loose and runny, Yuk! (I can wash this away with a bucket of water).
Grass is often eaten and sometimes sausage length bundles of grass is passed, raw carrots pass through not digested. If a soft donkey poo is eaten (they all love these and all join in with extra free meal, but it does have to smell just right or they will ignore it) i do not notice any difference, poo's are still firm.
They all like to do one poo in the morning and some will do a second one while out in the field. They sometimes poo after their daily meal at 4pm ish and over night when I can find about 4, done on the newspaper in the back yard next morning, (but sometimes none).
So they probably manage about 2 to 3 each I suppose, although I don't really keep that much of a close eye on who is doing what, and which poo belonged to which dog.:rolleyes:
If I should forget to take food out of the freezer to thaw, i can quiet easily use kibble without introducing it slowly, just as a one off without any upsets, poo's remain firm and lumpy bumpy.

Too much information! Well, you did ask:rolleyes:
Harri is fed a mix of Butternut Box cooked meat and veg, Canagan kibble and raw chicken wings. Generally two poos a day. The first is a very firm brown log with carrot decorations, the second very similar but slightly softer.

He's also a prolific grass eater. Only once have I seen evidence of it though and trust me you really don't want details of how!
We sometimes have a poo dangling from the Bum hole by a piece of long grass.
The only way it can be removed is to put your foot on it and get the dog to walk away. But first you have to get the dog to keep still while you try to get your foot on it!!
Otherwise the bum gets scooted everywhere indoors and out.
Folly is fed RAW most days she has two poos, nice and firm easy to pick up etc. Although every now and again she poos just after a race and when she does its very soft and can only be picked up along with a lot of grass.
Our dogs are also raw fed and their poos are always firm, drying to a crumbly texture. Sometimes Yianni's poo is a runny one after he's been running in the park and been excited though.
@Judy switched him to the vegan from raw and ive noticed a few things.

first his water consumption is waaayyyy up(im guessing they salt kibble generously, i remember this when he was a pup on it) .

he also has to go more pressingly and more often, hes used his puppy pad a few times recently which he hasnt done in months.

he also poos like twice per walk (so 4 times total) (instead of the once per day) and its softish, holds its shape well in a good fashion but squishes easily.

so nothing TO out of the ordinary, i think i just got spoiled on the raw :p(once a day, solid as a rock, and if id fed to much bone recently LOOKED like a rock) also NO BLOOD OR MUCUS!!! which was my MAIN concern given his last reaction to kibble. will continue to monitor closely but maybe his bout with colitis was just a leftover from his poor puppyhood?
He'll be drinking more just because raw has a high water content and kibble doesn't, so it's probably nothing to do with salt.
ooo hadnt thought of that @JudyN

@Kara 1 I went vegan. there's a ton of research out there as to why its perfectly okay to take your dog vegan (posted a thread about it awhile back.) As a very new vegan i went to my vet going "Haha look at these crazy vegans their research must be garbage" and he kind of shrugged and said theres no reason not to make Bax vegan. The only risk is if i was making my own food i'd have to watch his calcium levels apparently but i decided to feed kibble anyway so i dont even have to worry about that.
Dennis is fed James wellbeloved and he usually does two poos a day.
Always lovely and firm :D:D
yeah after i posted that bax actually started to firm up really nicely so i guess he was just still transitioning?
Mine is fed Eden dry food, and her first poo in the morning is nice and solid, but they get softer and softer during the day.

I'm going to experiment with adding a 1 teaspoon of pure pumpkin to her breakfast and dinner. Has anyone tried this (to firm up stools)? I've heard good things.

I'm going to experiment with adding a 1 teaspoon of pure pumpkin to her breakfast and dinner. Has anyone tried this (to firm up stools)? I've heard good things.

No but I have used sweet potato to do the same thing with great success
All 3 off mine are fed harrington something I've always used. Mine start the day with a nice firm poo the next one is slightly softer especially when we're walking, i think mine poo around 3-4 times a day im jealous off all off you feeding raw!
@Michele83 i feed pumpkin to all mine especially when Marley has colitis. It doesn't agree with Rolo gives him diarrohea, but firms up the other 2.
Try "Slippery Elm" for a runny tummy, it works wonders and thickens/firms things up quickly. Have you tried giving Natural "live" Yoghurt, a good table spoon full with meals or even as a treat can also work wonders.
Thank you both. I used to give yoghurt, I'm not sure why I stopped. I will try this again. Pumpkin is quite hard to get in UK unless I order it online. I am trying sweet potato instead at the moment so we'll see what happens!