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Poorly Whippet,


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Hello I have only just joined, and I have a rescur whippet, of about 8 yrs old, called Prince, he has got blood in his water, and is not very well. I have been to the vets, and he has had injections and tablets, and have made no difference to him, please does anybody know what I can do, to help him stop wetting himself at night, and dribbling during the day, I know it might sound daft to you, but I have put him in baby nappies, to try and help him!!! HELP PLEASE!!!

winniedee9 said:
Hello I have only just joined, and I have a rescur whippet, of about 8 yrs old, called Prince, he has got blood in his water, and is not very well.  I have been to the vets, and he has had injections and tablets, and have made no difference to him, please does anybody know what I can do, to help him stop wetting himself at night, and dribbling during the day, I know it might sound daft to you, but I have put him in baby nappies, to try and help him!!! HELP PLEASE!!!

Sorry to hear your whippie is poorly.

I'd get him back to the vets asap - if you aren't happy with them dont be scared to ask for a second opinion or to change vets.

:luck: I hope you can get on top of this - I've got a poorly whippy at the moment too and it's so worrying :(
Hello and welcome toK9,, so sorry your boy is poorly, if he has not improved on

the treatment he is on then you really need to take him back to the vet as soon as poss if he is on antibiotics he may need a different one. If he has a urine infection

it will make him feel really unwell. As to the weeing in the night it is just something

you will have to cope with for a little while until he is better. :luck: Jan
winniedee9 said:
Hello I have only just joined, and I have a rescur whippet, of about 8 yrs old, called Prince, he has got blood in his water, and is not very well.  I have been to the vets, and he has had injections and tablets, and have made no difference to him, please does anybody know what I can do, to help him stop wetting himself at night, and dribbling during the day, I know it might sound daft to you, but I have put him in baby nappies, to try and help him!!! HELP PLEASE!!!


My old whippet that is no longer with us,had similar problems,and it was his prostate.It may not be this,but the symptoms were very much the same.
