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Poorly stomach


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Bit of background, we rescued a dog which has come from Romania, poorly treated if at all. He had to have all his fur cut off, because it was severely matted, had chewing gum and oil in it

Very underweight, he weighs 18kg for a 9 month dog, apprantely should be nearer 30kg! for a golden retriever (possibly, cross)

He is eating fine, but his poo's look formed but very soft, and usually more runny near the end of his motion, they are always fairly light in color, envelope brown I'd say.

I'm guessing/hoping it's just because he's now eating real dog food rather than whatever he could find on the streets in romania.

Also, he's very selective of people he see's on his walks, sometimes he just ignores them, another he may growl abit and want to jump up, again we don't know if people kicked him in romania, but the odd thing is, if we walk to our down which has hundreds of people, he's good as gold, doesn't care.

But it always seems like the first person in the morning, and evening. Should we just keep feeding him treats we see someone? I heard telling him off for barking is bad, because he could learn not to bark but got for the next step biting, but we always have him on his harness as his recall is selective.

Again I can understand why he may be like this with the first part of his life, but also hard to work with, because some people he wont even acknowledge, I could imagine it'll be easier to say strangers are okay (eat treats) if he done it to everyone.

He's absolutely fine with dogs, so I imagine he was on the streets with some others, just some people
Your boy sounds like he has been through the mill :(

You rescuing him is such a wonderful thing! He is probably very overwhelmed right now and it will take a long time for him to fully settle down.

For his bowel movements, I would probably say at a guess that if you are treating him a lot (which I can understand why if you are training him) then too many treats can cause runny poop! Try something a little healthier, like some fruits or carrots are always a good one.

Another thing could be the food you are feeding him is too rich for his stomach. However, cut down on the treats first and see how that works out. You should see a change within a couple of days.

Be careful with fruit and veg though, some of them can make your dog very gassy!

If things carry on, change his food to high premium food, but something that is a little more gently on the gut. Your vet can talk to you on this as he will know your dog and will reccommend what is best for him.

What food do you feed him out of curiosity? Some dog foods are questionable to say the least!

His weight will come. Slow and steady is the best way. I have a Labrador Retriever and he only weighs 26kgs and he is very lean, so your dog may not have to get up to the weight of 30kg. I'd speak to your vet on that one, as dependant on the size of your dog, retrievers do vary and this will depend on the weight you need to get him too.

As for the lunging, jumping growling etc, he is still very wary. Some people may not acknowledge him and therefore he does not bother with him, but if someone comes a little too close when you are walking him, gives him eye contact and looks like they will approach then he will get defensive. You treating him when he goes past someone calmly is great! Keep it up.

However, this is not a good thing obviously, so ongoing training is key with this. In time as he settles this behaviour should disappear. Going to training classes always helps, as they will expose him to all sorts of noises, people and dogs. It will teach him socialise properly as well and how to behave around people and not just you and other dogs.

You have taken on a dog that isnt really house broken, so training that usually takes a few weeks may take longer as you are not only training him you are rehabilitating him. it can take anything up to year!

From what you said you are doing a grand job so far, so i wish you all the luck in the world and i'm sure he will be just fine.

Sophie x

We are feeding him Burns Chicken & Rice Puppy food, so I would like to say it's good quality.

My girlfriends parents are bringing some of their Burns Sensitive food on Sunday to see if he likes it, if he does we'll purchase some of that as retrievers do have sensitive tums.

Another thing which is worrying me, is ever since he got back from the vets for his vaccinations, he's been coughing in the morning and occasionally when excited but very rarely.

We believe it's kennel cough and have been giving him Warm Water, Honey & Concentrated lemon juice, which he absolutely loves being syringed into his mouth, and I'd say it's getting slightly better, he's probably had it about 5 days now. It's like a cough cough gag sneeze.

Been googling (I have health anxiety as it is) and comes up with possible heart problems! But he got checked at the vet in Romania, UK & our vet. Our vet said she thinks he has a slight heart murmer, she said she thinks it's there as sometimes it done it other it didn't and she said it's very very small so she's not worried, so if it was a heart problem surely someone would have picked it up.

When going on exercise he doesn't cough at all, maybe if he gets a little too excited but this has reduced since putting a harness on him.

It's just morning I'm upstairs and my girlfriend is down stairs and I can hear him, if he carrys on should we take him to the vet or just assume it's kennel cough which should clear up soon?

Many thanks
Starting with your food, he is 9 months old and needs to come off puppy food. he should of been on adult food from around 6 months old, so you need to change his food either way.

i have never given my dog Burns but if its working for your dog then no need to change brand. You need to introduce his new food slowly. So for example if you give him 100g for his meal, then 10g of that needs to be the new food. The next day 20g and so on. This introduces the food slowly and without upsetting his stomach even more than it already is. Basically 10% of the amount you are giving him the first day, then 20% and so on until he is on 100% of his new food.

As for the cough, it will probably go away on its own, but saying that if its kennel cough he needs medication to clear it up, as it is highly contagious and he could give it to another dog.

In respect of the heart murmur I would get a second opinion. if it was my dog and my vet told him not to worry, i would anyway, so by getting a second opinion it should put your mind at ease.

try not to google everything, I know its difficut, but to be honest posting on here will get you better answers, as everyone is very honest and most of us have experienced something similar with our own dogs, so can give you some advice on how they dealt with it, which will be better than just google, or a vet webiste, as they all vary.

Googling everything will only make you more anxious! (trust me i know!!!!)

If you get a second opion then also ask about the kennel cough.

I hope you puppy dog gets better soon!!!!

Lots of cuddles is always a winner :)

Sophie x
Hiya thanks for the info.

Regarding the puppy food, we only got it as we thought it would be best for him to get some strength as he's never really eaten anything before.

I'm looking into Millies Wolfheart Countryside mix, looks like that should be good for certain stomachs as it's grain free aswell.

I asked my mother about his cough and she just said it's kennel cough, and she's had dogs and breeds them for many years as has my aunt, and both said it'll clear soon, so I think we'll just carry on with his cough meds for now, if it gets worse or no sign of improvement he'll be down to the vet.

It's probably just all the stress of things for him too. Bad life, living in a different country, learning new commands & language, seeing and staying with the rescue woman for a week, then 3 hour drive to our house, I imagine the poor bugger is quite stressed, doesn't really show it though
He has been through the mill a bit hasnt he but he sounds like he has finally found his forever home and that you have his best interests at heart!

I'm sure he will be fine, just keep doing what you're doing and your pooch will love you forever!

I wish you all the best, but if you have any more questions or not sure of anything, post on here. Someone will always answer your question and help you out!

Sophie x
It sounds like he has been through a rough start! Food wise I feed my Theo Natural Dog Food Company food after I got him from the breeder as I wanted to give him the best I could and I have to say I would never go back and I have recommended to my friends some who were feeding raw and they are the same. It makes poo picking a lot easy and you know they are healthy inside and out.

Could you use some of his daily food to treat him instead of extra's as maybe it is all too rich for his stomach at the moment and I think you are still bonding with him and that will take time but once he trusts you and you have even more training under your belt you will notice a difference! But you sound like you are doing everything you can to give him a loving and caring home!!