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Poor Tipsy


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On Monday night I found a trail of fresh blood leading from the catflap, across the kitchen floor & up onto the worktop. I thought it must be a cut pad on one of the cats but after checking them all(except Tipsy who is that nervous she usually vanishes when we open the door :( )couldn't find any injuries at all so thought it must be Tipsy. Or one of them had brought a half dead mutilated mouse in & let it drip all over the place :rant: :x

The following morning Nervous Nerys AKA Tipsy finally came in with a horrible gash along her cheekbone, soooo close to her eye.

The vet reckons it's been done on bloody barbed wire :rant: Poor Tipsy had to be knocked out & now has a few little stitches in. She was very wobbly all last night & had to be kept in, more stress for her as she hates to be confined. The local mouse population probably had a peaceful night tho :- "

Before the vet visit.
After surgery :( not a very clear pic but I didn't want to stress her out, she hates to be confined or have stuff done to her. So a weeks worth of AB's are going to be just wonderful eh? :(
Nanny Hebe takes care of Tipsy :huggles: Or it may just be she was trying to get closer to the fire :lol:

I'm just so glad the vet has managed to stitch this back as she did say if it had been a fraction closer to the eye there wouldn't have been anything to stitch it back to.
Poor Tipsy, but just how close to her eye was that! Sending her plenty of :huggles: hope she feels a bit better soon.
poor tipsy that does look sore,hope shes feeling better today :wub: :huggles:
poor tipsy hope she feels better soon :huggles:
aww poor baby hope shes feeling better soon :huggles:
That looks really nasty Julie - poor Tipsy. :( Hope she's better soon. :huggles:
poor puss cat - i always give my cats . dogs and rabbit calendula tablets when they have an open wound - helps with the healing x

get well soon little one :)
ooooh shes been lucky there thats very close to her eye. hope shes well again soon Julie :thumbsup:
Ouch poor Tipsy... :huggles: hope shes on the mend soon... :huggles: :luck: :luck:
Tipsy says thank you to everyone for their good wishes :)

My plan to keep her in for a couple of days went to pot when she made a break for it out of the cat flap. She's been back since tho & has had every tablet up to now. Luckily she's not noticed them in her food so I don't have to forcibly shove them down her throat. :sweating: If I started manhandling her she would probably vanish for days. The stitches are dissolvable too so she doesn't need to go back unless there is a problem.
Ouch that looks so sore :( Hope she mends really quickly :huggles: :huggles: