Oh what a fortnight we have had - Sky (6 months old yesterday) developed a funny snuffle (I did a post on it) as it wasn't clearing up well, I made an appointment for the vets, before we got there on the Tuesday morning, she came out of her cage at 100 miles and hour, caught her toe
and BROKE it!! The vets duly strapped the toe, gave her a pain killing and an anti-inflammatory injection and sent her home. She was checked on the Friday. On the Monday morning I had just given her a Rimadyl tablet (which she loves) when the phone went. Before I knew what had happened Sky had grabbed the bottle and run outside and under the hedge with it. I can't get under the hedge, it's too thick, and boy does Sky know it. I walked back in the house, rang the vets and told them I was on my way - as soon as Sky came out - She was on a drip for 24 hours and monitored for another 24 before she was allowed home last Wednesday. No ill effects from her snacking, the throat infection is completely cleared up, so we just have to wait and see how the toe gets on, the vet is very hopefull of a full recovery - please, please, - I can't take much more of this!!!!!!!!!! I said that she was going to be a liability from day one, she has to do everything at 100 mies an hour - and I'm just not that fast!!!!
Has anyone got some nice cheerful stories on how broken toes healed completely? If not I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!! :rant:
Has anyone got some nice cheerful stories on how broken toes healed completely? If not I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!! :rant: