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Poor Sheba


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Hi Everyone. My One of my lurchers, Sheba, broke a toe some seven months ago. Over the period we tried to rehabilitate her and despite one setback we thought we had her right, to the extent that she has been lure coursing at two meeting, winning on each occasion. Last Saturday she was successful but she broke down again and this time we took the vets advice, having persevered for as long as we could, and had the toe removed. This occurred yesterday and here is a pic of the girl and her nursemaid The Shiner.
poor little girl :( another blue bandage to add to K9

hope she gets better soon :huggles:
Oh no poor Sheba I hope she heals quickly :huggles: :huggles: , will she be back to normal when she is all healed with a missing toe Chris?
*Lesley* said:
Oh no poor Sheba I hope she heals quickly :huggles:   :huggles: , will she be back to normal when she is all healed with a missing toe Chris?
Yes. They can cope well without this toe. She'll be over it quite soon I hope and she will be as good as new. :thumbsup:
glad to hear she is on the mend, she is such a beautiful dog! was lovely to see her sat, look forwards to seeing you pam and the dogs very soon and thanks again for inviting us. huge hugs to sheba, a real queen
lamping man said:
*Lesley* said:
Oh no poor Sheba I hope she heals quickly :huggles:   :huggles: , will she be back to normal when she is all healed with a missing toe Chris?
Yes. They can cope well without this toe. She'll be over it quite soon I hope and she will be as good as new. :thumbsup:

Yes, we had this conversation yesterday with my father-in-law, when he saw Gelert's toe, about his old racing greyhound who apparently had a couple amputated but kept on racing. Hope she's back to normal soon. :luck:
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moriarte said:
lamping man said:
*Lesley* said:
Oh no poor Sheba I hope she heals quickly :huggles:   :huggles: , will she be back to normal when she is all healed with a missing toe Chris?
Yes. They can cope well without this toe. She'll be over it quite soon I hope and she will be as good as new. :thumbsup:

Yes, we had this conversation yesterday with my father-in-law, when he saw Gelert's toe, about his old racing greyhound who apparently had a couple amputated but kept on racing. Hope she's back to normal soon. :luck:

My Suluki X Whippet, Sophia is minus a toe on her front right hand paw. She still makes a good start going round the track at seven. I was told when she had the operation that many racing Greyhounds carry on racing afterhaving toes amputated. I think that must apply to lamping as well. Hugs to Sheba.
Just caught up with this. Hope Sheba is fighting fit soon and over her hurtie. :wub: :wub: :huggles: Nurse Shiner looks very attentive! :wub: :D
Wishing a speedy recovery to Sheba. :luck: :luck: and extra :huggles:
Sheba had her stitches out today, 12 days after her op. She looks a bit lop-sided as you can see from the photo. Neverthe less we expect her to make good progress from now and thank you all for your comments. :thumbsup:

thats good news, wound looks very well healed, like the sad dog face on sheba! bless her :huggles:
Well done Sheba for being so brave :wub: , it looks like it is healing nicely Chris :thumbsup:
Glad she's well and truly mended. She's a beautiful girl and I 'm looking forward to meeting her! :wub: :wub:
OMG Can't belive that I missed this thread, sorry Lamping Man and Sheba :(

Glad to see that she has healed well and hope that all is well from now on. :luck:

Must admit that this is a subject very close to my heart at the moment, and interesting that others seems of the same opinion as me i.e that the loss of a toe should not impede his Lordship should the bone not fuse properly from his recent pinning.

Thank you for sharing the pictures, and :huggles: for Sheba