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Poor Poor Toby


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After a lovely walk in the woods this afternoon we were about five minutes away from the car and I noticed blood on Merlins head, but on closer inspection it wasnt Merlin who was hurt but my little baby Toby, his leg was just covered in blood and it was pouring down his leg :( He had severed a vein. I quickly applied pressure, picked him up and started ruuning towards the car, but as an overprotective mum that I am, I started screaming 'Help'

About 100 yards down a hill to my left is a golf course and three people looked at me as they had heard my shouts, they asked if they could help, so I managed to scramble down the hill to them over braken and over grown terrain - still dont know how wee Merlin managed to follow me but the little toughy was right behind me all the way bless him o:)

The kind people phoned the reception of the Hotel who owns all the land, and within minutes a landrover came zooming across the golf course towards us,in the meantime I made a tournique with my shoe lace and tied it tight round the very top of his leg.

The lovely lads in the Landrover rushed me off to the vets, its only 5 mins away by car, with Buffy and Merlin in the back ( both of whom were so well behaved and undemanding I was very proud ) And once there we called the vet on call who fortunately turned out to be my favourite vet, She looked at Toby,s leg and said he had severed the vein and it would need to be tied off or stitched, so I then became a vet nurse for the next hour which was very exciting, although I was obviously worried for my boy.

So after sedating him carefully ( a vet who understands whippets :thumbsup: )

she looked at the wound and it had stopped bleeding thankfully, so she stitched him up and put a pressure bandage on, then brought him back round, poor little boy was sooooo dopey, so now hes back home on the bed wrapped in a soft blanket, and Merlin hasnt left his side :wub: , and Buffy has cleaned him, and initially stayed at the door way of the bedroom as if to protect us all :huggles:

So he has to go back tomorrow for a check up and then stitches out in 10 days, hes still very dopey, and has had the odd whimper, but after a cuddle he drifts off again -_-

So after a very sedate weekend it ended up being very dramatic and scary, but im so grateful for the people who helped me :thumbsup: ( the lads from the centre even collected my car for me and dropped it off at the vets )

Anyway heres a couple of pictures of my poor wee man and the ever faithful Merlin :wub: :wub: :wub:

View attachment 21930
...... :wub:

aww poor Toby, I hope he is feeling better soon, give him a hug from me :huggles:
:( What a terrible thing to happen to Toby. Hope he feels better soon, luckily he has Merlin to cuddle up to. :huggles:
:( What a horrible scare for you! I'm so glad it turned out allright! :thumbsup: The photo's are lovely! :huggles:
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Bless him, hope he makes a speedy recovery. Thank goodness for some kind people. Pour yourself a stiff drink after such a nasty shock.

what an afternoon .i hope toby is ok . :huggles: what a shock for you all thank god there was some lovely people to help you .it sounds like merlin and buffy are looking after him . hope he gets better soon :huggles:
Poor Toby, hope he's up and about again very soon. Well done to Buffy and Merlin for behaving so impeccably for your mum. You all deserve a nice relaxed evening.

poor poor little toby :wub: :wub:

with merlin and buffy keeping an eye on him i agree you need a stiff drink then to curl up in bed with your beautifull dogs :wub: :wub: :wub:
awwwww poor Toby :( lots of :huggles: :huggles: and get well soon :wub:
:( Aww Toby wee man :(

Hope your a lot better in the morning :thumbsup: ,,Granny Susan will give you a call and let wee Tam have a wee bleather with you :thumbsup: . Get well soon :luck:

Love from Granny :thumbsup:

P.S Tell Jill to have a wee nip of whiskey (w00t) and relax :cheers:
Oh no Jill what a shock or you all (w00t) Hate to think of wee Toby hurt but I'm sure he'll be better in no time :huggles: :huggles: Sending lots of love and cuddles :huggles: for Toby

Get well soon wee man

I dread anything like this happening when we take ours out on a run. Whippet's do seem to injure themselves quite easily, having the very short coat and fine skin. What an awful walk it turned out to be for you all.

Thank godness you were able to get help quickly. Toby must have lost a lot of blood with an injury like that. Must have been so scary for you. Well done to all the guys who came to your aid, :thumbsup: what stars.

Hope poor Toby makes a speedy recovery :wub: :luck: .
Oh, how frightening for you :( Hope Toby's feeling better soon. Thank goodness for lovely caring people...good to know there are some still out there. :huggles: to you all!
:( OMG what a nightmare, Toby is my favourite little boy on K9 and I feel so sorry for the poor boy, you must have been so stressed but you really kept your wits about you and did all the right things, hope he's not too sore, sending him big :* and :huggles: :luck: and :thumbsup: to all those who were kind in helping you, especially Buffy and Merlin for being good in a trauma o:)

Hope poor little Toby gets better soon. :luck: :luck: Really good to hear that there were some kind folks who helped you out - restores ones faith in human nature. :huggles: :huggles:
Poor Toby. What a shock for you both. :eek:

Good on the hotel for helping out so promptly. Wonder how Toby managed to cut an doesn't bear thinking about. Isn't Merlin sweet...comforting his pal like that. :wub:

Hope he feels better soon. :luck: