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Poor Peter....


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out with the gang in the fields and willow spotted rabbits,so off they went and Peter came back and done this :( off to the vets we went.he had a clean out and antibiotic injection,and he is book in first thing in the morning to be fixed up(fully booked up tonight) :angry:

i am debating whether to still enter him at paighton champ show(july) any advice on that? he is (bless him) :wub: my poor baby.
yikes! that looks like a tiny bullet hole!!!

the poor thing, hope he mends swiftly-
When is Paignton ? Dawn . He should be fine in a couple of days , whats he having done 2morrow ? Dont tell me they want to open it up `properley ` and clean it out , . Woody had a wound on his neck that looked messy and the vets wanted to completely open the wound via general anestetic ( sp) I said no and within a few days nothing could be seen (w00t) Not only did it save Woody the trauma of a GA but me at least £150 .00 (w00t) .

Dont be so hasty Dawn , nature is a wonderful thing ;)
Poor old Peter :(

Paignton is mid July, I would think he would be fine by then - its not very big so I would personally enter him.

Jax's post sounds like wise words to me (as always! :lol: )
Ouch!! Poor Peter :wub: I should think he would heal ok for Painton Dawn . Sending whippy hugs and kisses xxxxxxx
Poor Peter :( hope it heals quickly :huggles:

Poor Peter Dawn :(

Take it from me :b - that is a mere nick and will heal up no probelm - in a week I bet you cant even see it at all.

But he looks very forlorn and milking it for all it's worth :lol:
they are going to repair the wound so that it heal ups and hopefully his hair will grow back,it definately needs a stirch or two.
poor Peter :huggles: Get well soon :luck: :thumbsup: ... he looks a bit sorry for himself in that photo. :(
Dermot had a nick that looked a similar size to that but we cleaned it ourselves and decided not to get it stiched. It healed fine but you can still see the scar now (in a similar place too).

Poor Peter though :wub: :wub: :wub:
But are they giving him a G A Dawn ? Honestly it will heal without stitches , Mine have had much bigger holes in them without then need for stitches , and no scars either :)) Mayzee had a real big hole in her side years ago from a nasty disaggreemnet with either a barbed wire fence or brambles . took a right chunk out of her side it did , But it was a bank holiday ( as always )and by the Tuesday the wound was healing well so I decided to leave well alone , and NO scar .

please save your money and let Peter heal without stitche s , Im sure you can keep it clean your selves :sweating:
Dawn,Murph had a far bigger wound than that & i just bathed it with lavender oil & it healed up fine with the tiniest of scars.Like Jax says,don't be hasty!
Hope he's all better soon whatever you decide :luck: :luck:

Just for info purposes callie had one similar on her chest had 2 staples no GA, looked horrid with staples in, but now you'd never know,
I'd imagine all they'll do with this wound is sedate him heavily and place a couple of stitches so that it heals by primary intention (when the edges of the skin heal together) rather than secondary intention (when the skin heals by new growth coming from underneath) which leaves much more scarring and less flexibility in the new skin. Not a big job but leaves a better cosmetic appearance and keeps grot out while it heals. :luck:
well folks i have taken your advice and decided to let it heal naturally :thumbsup: :thumbsup: keeping it clean and keeping a eye on it.thanks for your advice everybody :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :* :*
Well, I am against Jax and Alfyn here, I always have wounds sutured, for the reasons ILKC has posted and also because it discourages the others, or the dog him/herself, from licking the wound. But unless it is HUGE my dogs only have local anaesthetic with me in attendance. I did leave Django the other week when he laid his forearm bare on barbed wired but he still only had sedation and my Vet rang me to say when I could pick him up. But then, my Vet knows me well and they wouldn't dare do anything without my knowledge or consent (like clipping hair!!!).
I think I would get it checked to see how deep the wound is, and anti-biotic cover might be needed Dawn. I hope he feels better soon. They are huge drama queens though and I am sure he will make the most of being injured!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
I forgot to add that if you use lavender,it will stop him licking it as they don't like the taste.
daledogs said:
well folks i have taken your advice and decided to let it heal naturally :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:   keeping it clean and keeping a eye on it.thanks for your advice everybody :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:   :*   :*

No problem Dawn ;) . Hope it heals well :luck: Just a thought I have in the past used those little strips of plaster ( Stera stripes ? ) , that helps the ends join to gether as ILKC says :thumbsup: