Milos lips and an an eye swelled up this afternoon, by the time he had got to the vets it had almost gone. They gave him an anti-hystermine(SP?) injection and we went home. 20 mintues later two lumps appeared on his head within 15minutes his face had swollen up very dramticly, then lumps appeared on his upper front legs. Had a long call to the vets but he didn't go back. Swelling went down and then reappered mainly on his nose. The poor boy is very dejected and quiet. Continually rubbing his head and eyes and licking his front paws (mainly for comfort I think as nothing seems wrong with them).
Here he is five minutes after the two lumps appeared on his head, didn't take a picture later when he could barely open his eyes and looked like he'd done ten rounds with Mike Tyson!
Here he is five minutes after the two lumps appeared on his head, didn't take a picture later when he could barely open his eyes and looked like he'd done ten rounds with Mike Tyson!

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