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Poor Milo


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Milos lips and an an eye swelled up this afternoon, by the time he had got to the vets it had almost gone. They gave him an anti-hystermine(SP?) injection and we went home. 20 mintues later two lumps appeared on his head within 15minutes his face had swollen up very dramticly, then lumps appeared on his upper front legs. Had a long call to the vets but he didn't go back. Swelling went down and then reappered mainly on his nose. The poor boy is very dejected and quiet. Continually rubbing his head and eyes and licking his front paws (mainly for comfort I think as nothing seems wrong with them).

Here he is five minutes after the two lumps appeared on his head, didn't take a picture later when he could barely open his eyes and looked like he'd done ten rounds with Mike Tyson!

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Poor Milo, he really has had a rough time.

I had this problem with Fern just before Christmas, it looks terrible doesn't it? I just gave her a Piriton tablet and it slowly went down. I should think Milo will look much better this morning.

We think that Fern must have rubbed her head against some plant or other while we were out. We were on a walk we do all the time and at this time of year there is precious little growing, so it has remained a mystery what started it all up.

:huggles: :huggles: to Milo from us all :huggles: :huggles:
Aww poor Milo :huggles: I had a similar thing recentley with callie her nose swelled up so off to the vets he gave her an injection and the swelling went down, over the next couple of days swelled up again but this time at each side of her nose and turned into bubbled up sores so back to the vets and antibiotics, it took a while for her to heal and she still has a bit of baldness in the area but her fur is growing back, like with Milo it's a total mystery :unsure:
Aww poor Milo :( Hope he is feeling better this morning :huggles: :flowers:

Poor Milo - that looks so uncomfortable! :( He's such a handsome chap too! :wub: :wub: Hope he's soon feeling better. :huggles:
Aww poor Milo - hope hes better soon. :huggles:
weve had the same thing with one of our dogs she has had it about 4 times now, starts with swellings on her face her nose becomes huge eyes close then it spreads all over her body, It looks so uncomfortable, we to never got to the bottom of it just assume, it is a plant or something she had a reaction too, we bathed her each time to get off anything that could possibly be on her skin also bathed her eyes to help feel more comfortable.

Poor Milo hope he is soon back to himself, it took Tiggy a day really then she would look normal again.
Thanks for all your kind words. :huggles:

Milo is a lot better this morning. Still a complete mystery- he had a simular thing three years ago in january but this was an anrgy red spots/rash that covered his whole body and he kept being sick, so there must be something about this time of year that they are sensative to.

I washed his legs down last night, in the hope that it might remove something, I also put a cold flannel over his head, which he seemed to find quite soothing he sat with it on for about an hour!

He hasn't got out of bed yet, except to come down for his breakfast, the swelling has all but gone, but his nose still looks big along the top.
Just a thought here, but about 20 years ago I had a whippet that swelled up around his face and mouth. He had been playing with a toy that had some sponge in it and had ripped it to pieces. The vet seemed to think he might have had a have swallowed some of the sponge and then had an allergic reaction to it. He gave him an injection and it all cleared up quite quickly. Has Milo had any different toys than he normally plays with? I hope he gets better soon.
awwww poor Milo,glad heis a bit beter,i,ve also had the same thing last year with Harry,after a day he face went back to normal
Por Milo,he I am sure he feels pretty miserable at the moment :(

Sending lots of :huggles: hope he gets back to normal soon.
We have a couple of whippets which have a bad reaction to bee and wasp stings.

Piriton is a god send u can buy it from the chemist and should take the swelling down without a trip to the vets. Obviously is u suspect it is more serious a reaction the vets is the place to be.
