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Poor Me


Grand Master...Fluffy & nice
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Poor Sienna cut herself while out this morning, why these things always have to happen on a weekend I don't know, :unsure: anyway the very rich emergency vet had to put 7 stitches in her wound because of course it wasn't just a straight forward cut it was a big round one where the skin had torn :blink:

She's fed up now because we are taking a day off the kitchen to go racing tomorrow and now she can't go :(

Here she is feeling very sorry for herself :(

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poor sienna !! why these things happen at the weekend baffles me :blink: you can almost garuntee if somethings gonna happen it will be at the weekend hope sienna is feeling better soon and your bank balance hasnt been too dented :wub:
*Lesley* said:
Poor Sienna cut herself while out this morning, why these things always have to happen on a weekend I don't know, :unsure:   anyway the very rich emergency vet had to put 7 stitches in her wound because of course it wasn't just a straight forward cut it was a big round one where the skin had torn :blink:  
She's fed up now because we are taking a day off the kitchen to go racing tomorrow and now she can't go :(

Here she is feeling very sorry for herself :(


Im sure in your hands Lesley, sienna will be back on track real soon :luck:

:cheers: keith
aww poor baby :wub: ...get well soon :huggles:
Thanks everyone she's sleeping right now -_- although it has put the others out a bit, now they can't lay on her :lol: :clown: :wacko:

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Poor Sienna :huggles: :huggles: hope she heals well Lesley and is soon back to her racing... :thumbsup: :luck:

btw I love Kanes head sticking through those back legs.. :lol: :D
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heres one from a different angle for you Janis, what baffles me is in their beds they have lovely soft bedding nice and cosy but they do this instead :blink: :lol:

Really hope she is better soon, and not in any pain. Marlene had a bandaged leg last year and we put her kennel up in the living room, she would come out lift up her leg for inspection to all visitors. We could not get down the street without her holding it up to show everyone. I think when she was well on the mend she quite enjoyed it.
jgear said:
Really hope she is better soon, and not in any pain.  Marlene had a bandaged leg last year and we put her kennel up in the living room, she would come out lift up her leg for inspection to all visitors.  We could not get down the street without her holding it up to show everyone.  I think when she was well on the mend she quite enjoyed it.
She's had a pain killer so I think she's ok, :) she doesnt seems to be in pain, I can really relate to what you're saying, when she came home from her run we didnt even notice it because it's her armpit,(no yelp while out or anything) but when she'd been home a bit I noticed her licking there a lot so I had a look of course I was shocked and made a right fuss of her, well after that she was like the walking wounded oh poor me I am really poorly and all that :- " o:)
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Awww poor Sienna :( sending her lots of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: from us and hope it heals really quickly :thumbsup: :luck: :luck:
poor sienna :huggles: ,get well soon sweetpea :wub: :huggles:
Poor Sienna, hope she is feeling better soon. I like the way Spry is kissing her better. :wub:

You really are a cruel mummy not to notice it straight away :wacko:

poor little girl , love and hugs from cousins India and Harvee :huggles:
Poor Sienna,sure she'll feel better soon :huggles:

The only time my vet see's any of my lot is on a Sunday,when it's an extra £50 fee (w00t) ,so i only do lead walks on a Suday now! :eek:
JAX said:
You really are a cruel mummy not to notice it straight away  :wacko:
poor little girl , love and hugs from cousins India and  Harvee  :huggles:

I know (w00t) the odds were against me, under the armpit on a dark brindle dog with no bleeding or limping :eek:

alfyn said:
Poor Sienna,sure she'll feel better soon :huggles:
The only time my vet see's any of my lot is on a Sunday,when it's an extra £50 fee (w00t) ,so i only do lead walks on a Suday now!  :eek:

Sounds like a good idea now Debs :)

Spry is looking over her now so she's ok :huggles:

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poor little girl, she is really beautiful, hope she heals quickly :thumbsup:
Just wondering how Sienna and Spry are Lesley ? ? ? Ok I hope and both getting over their injuries :thumbsup: