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Poor George


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Unfortunately things have not gone as well as we'd hoped for George and the plate he had put in

at Christmas is causing problems.

We have been to see his orthapedic surgeon this evening and

George has to go into the vets tomorrow for more surgery on thursday to remove the plate.

Please send all of your healing thoughts his way. He hasn't had much luck lately
awww so sorry 4 poor george lots of good luck sent his way from me xxx :luck: :luck: :luck:
Poor George hope everything goes good ..we will be thinking of him and you both
sending you lots of luck for george hope he is ok :luck: :luck: :luck:
If the break has healed George could be better off without the plate. Our Holly had a plate and did much better after it was taken out.

Good luck :luck: :luck:
All the best to Georgy and his owners for the future :thumbsup: :luck:
poor George give him a kiss from me till i see him at club Marie thinking of you
best of l :luck: :luck: uck for little George today :luck: :luck: hope all goes well
:luck: Hi Maria we send you all the luck in the world for little George

hope he gets well soon still rememer him snugling up to you

do hope removing of the plate works

all our love to all of you

thinking of you don and ruth

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Hope all goes well for George :luck: sending lots of luck :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:

I'm sure he will be fine with you and Graham to look after him :thumbsup:
Hope all goes well for little George. Fingers crossed. xxxxx
Thank you so much everyone for your supportive messages. They really do help such a lot.

I'll let you all know when theres any news tomorrow.

Thanks again
Just to let you know that George has had his operation this afternoon. He's had the plate in his leg removed and will be spending the night at the vets. Hopefully if alls well he will be coming home tomorrow
great news pleased things went well his mam sends her love to both her boys
We have been this afternoon to collect George and he is now safely back home.

He is very unimpressed with being back on cage rest and hes not keen on his

enormous bandage either. Thank you again for all your messages they really

have helped :thumbsup:
:luck: with george marie, hope all is well just wishing him a speedy recovery, sure he will soon be able to get into mischief :rolleyes:
