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Poor Evie-diva (red Ranger X Moonpie)


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just thought i'd post some pic's of evie-d's latest trip to the vets.

We havent got a clue how she did it , she went out for a wee and came back in like this that was almost 3 wks ago and she is making a fab recovery she had her staples removed 2 wks after the injury and its looking pretty good.

So overall for emergency callout, sedation, 40 staples and antibiotics it came to.............................. £176 ....not too bad !!!



almost 3 wks later....healing pretty well but i dont think she'll win a beauty competition with the scaring

Poor soul. Thank God she is getting better. xxxxxx
almost 3 wks later....healing pretty well but i dont think she'll win a beauty competition with the scaring
That's a testimony to good healing skin, and effective needlework. Bet you nearly died at the shock of what you saw originally. Good luck for a full recovery. That's one hell of a war wound for any scar competition after one too many in the pub. Poor Evie she deserves a new coat to cheer her up and keep her warm till her fur grows back . As long as she's OK , that's the main thing.
Poor girlie - glad she is on the mend. As you say impossible to say how

It happens - out for a walk last year with my lot - all bar the old girl took

off after a rabbit went through a barbed wire fence at ***miles an hour

Can’t tell you how I felt - the old girl who never chased live stuff followed

them through at a walk - guess who had to have her side stitched up!!!

Vet said it was because she had "walked" through the wire. Vet bill was huge coz

I took her "out of hours" - that is before 9:00 am Whippets who hav 'em - lol


Same thing again last xmas edward (stormcloud) managed to tear his back open IN THE HOUSE !!!!! so that was an emergency call out (8pm on the day after boxing day) sedation, 28 staples and antibiotics came to about £130 the vet did knock money off the bill because i nursed for edward so she didnt have to call a nurse out to assist with the operation.

My husbands family (being non whippety folks and they think black labs rule lol) cant understand why whippets skin is so thin and that such a minor injury can almost skin the dog alive (w00t)
had a few bad ones over the years my present bitch took on tiger next door when she was a pup and ended up with over 100 stitches , she got wise after that and i found tiger the cat in her bed one night he was on a never ending sleep .she has never had a mark on her since that day
omg poor girl, hope it heals well, she may have a bit of a baldy patch but as long as she's ok, good luck, gentle hugs + kisses are good medicine xxx
omg poor girl, hope it heals well, she may have a bit of a baldy patch but as long as she's ok, good luck, gentle hugs + kisses are good medicine xxx
I know of a show whippet with a similar scar who is now fit and healthy and still does well in the beauty competitions.