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Poor Cat


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Was chatting to a vet on call today as the surgery is next to where i walk the dogs

He told me he was called by a woman who wanted to bring her cat in as ONE OF HER CHILDREN HAD CUT OFF ITS EAR WITH A PAIR OF SCISSORS

Bloody Hell Fire. if the kid was too young to know better then what was it doing with scissors!!!!!! :rant:
Poor cat :( Hope it recovers from this horrible ordeal :luck: :luck: :luck:

This is totally uncalled for, shame on you :angry:
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Thats not nice ,im sure you didnt mean it...did you :- "

poor cat
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for gods sake woman i dont like cats but im disgusted by this incident. have a little compassion! there is no need for comments like that!
what an awful thing to say.poor cat. :(
jane123 said:


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jane123 said:

what a horrible thing to think and say :angry:

hope the cat recovers and gets rehomed poor thing :huggles:
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Jane123 reply was IMO in very poor tatste and clearly seems to have upset a number of people.

I'd be grateful if this thread didn't continue in this vein please. Anyone ignoring this advice may find their posts need to be viewed by a moderator and approved before they become visible.

I'd also appreciate if people didn't keep quoting offensive comments as it means editing posts.

I'd also appreciate if offensive posts are reported rather than just take the law into your own hands and publicly admonish the culprit.
Yes i have to agree it was in VERY poor taste :(

I'm glad you removed it, as after all we are all meant to be animal lovers here whether it be cats,dogs etc :thumbsup:
What a disgusting thing to say :rant: and we wonder why some kids are monsters not a surprise if they are taking after parents like that is it :rant:
This sort of thing makes me feel sick :x :(

It's too upsetting to even think about. It just breaks my heart.
Poor little Cat - some people have no control or interest in what their kids are doing - but I suppose at least this cat is getting vet attention :(
sorry for coming across nasty

i never meant to sound harsh


jane :(
I've only just plucked up the courage to read the replies to this topic so luckily I missed whatever was said by Jane123.

I have 5 cats. I have kept cats all my life, long before I got a dog, and I love them dearly. They are all irreplaceable in my heart and life and I live in fear of any of them being hurt or frightened in any way.

IMO any mother allowing her offspring to torture and harm a defenceless animal should be reported for cruelty and stopped from keeping animals of any species :rant:
I think the same as you Jane, my children were always taught to

respect any of our animals and were never allowed to

harm/annoy/torment any of them.


I hope this poor cat is taken away and found someone to love

and care for it :luck:
I can remember my tutor telling me about an incident where a mastiff had attacked a child and had to be pts. When the vet examined the poor dog it had 27 staples in its ear!! Never mind dont leave children with a dog unattended its the other way round in some cases!
27 Staples and no-one noticed.................thats madness.

Poor bloody dog :(