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Poo Picking!


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We went to Caerphilly lurcher and terrier show on Monday and whilst walking along one of our dogs went to the toilet which I immediately picked up. However, I noticed a couple of chaps with dogs laughing at me for picking up the mess and also noticed that I must have been the only one that day to pick up after my dogs - dogs were messing all over the place were people were walking and kids were running about and no one seemed at all embarrassed that they just walked away after their dog had done its business. The fact that lots of small kids were running around and falling about on the grass was a bit of a concern even though I don't have kids myself! Is this normal practise at lurcher/terrier shows?
at least you done the right thing Emily,by being a responsible dog owner :thumbsup: :thumbsup: never mine about anyone else laughing etc,they should take after your example.

did you have a good time?see any other whippys?
No I don't think that this is normal. I go to quite a lot of lurcher shows and the majority (though not all) of people are good at picking up, and generally if someone it spotted not picking up someone normally offers them a bag.
Well done Emily for picking up :thumbsup: I always carry poop bags with me every where I go too.
most are very good a\bout picking up at lurcher shows but theres allways the few numptys that wont and dont care were there dog goes thay will never pick it up please keep picking yours up becoues as someone who has helped clear up after a show going round picking lazy sods dogs poo up is not nice but if its not done and they loose the place were the shows are held they would be the firts to complane.

If they lafe again just say ih sorry mate did you want it and offer them the bag of poo :lol:
well done you! they were out of order ,spoiles it for other dogs when peeps so irresponsible :rant:
don't let pillocks like that embaress you out of doing the right one wants to tread in dog poo, or smell the aroma on a warm, summer breeze - the more of us who ack responsibly, the fewer places will put up 'no dogs' signs.

Shame on anyone who doesn't pick up :angry:
fallenangel said:
most are very good a\bout picking up at lurcher shows but  theres allways the few numptys that wont and dont care were there dog goes thay will never pick it up please keep picking yours up becoues as someone who has helped clear up after a show going round picking lazy sods dogs poo up is not nice but if its not done and they loose the place were the shows are held they would be the firts to complane.If they lafe again just say ih sorry mate  did you want it and offer them the bag of poo :lol:

great idea mabey i should try that!lol :lol:
It was the same at the Selby Game Fair, I picked up after Inca when she had a poo but there was loads of poo on the floor from all the other dogs.

I alway pick up after my dogs and try to show a good example...sometime I offer to give people a bag to pick up there dogs can imangine what kind of answers I get?!?!

Just keep picking up after your dogs and ignore what the idiots say :D
Most pick the poos up at the racing,,some just pick it up and dump it at your caravan :rant: ,or leave it laying about :clown:

I have had a lot of funny looks form the jo public when out with Robbie :- " ,,I take a few poo bags and always pick it up,,they just look and walk off if their dog poo's. I have a spare for their dogs poo's and pick it up too :thumbsup: . I also pick up in the garden,,everytime a dog has a poo,,its picked right up :thumbsup:

I remember about 2 year's ago and a walker with a dog walked passed our front garden :)) ,,the dog stopped and had a poo :unsure: ,,The owner started to walk away and Gary (aged about 5) at the time,,shouted to the man " Do you want to use the dog poo bucket ".. The man looked back and got a piece of paper or something from his pocket and picked up his dogs poo :D ,,,PRICELESS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i have a system called 'Quid Pro Poo' that i employ in our local partner thinks i'm nuts. (w00t) mind you, my partner thinks i'm nuts anyhow!

anyway, it goes like this

if one of ours has a poo and i can't find it - or if they've dashed off into the trees and i know damn well they must've done one......i consider that i 'owe a poo'

then i pick up the next one that someone else has left behind and the universal poo balance is restored!

am i alone in this????????????
urchin said:
i have a system called 'Quid Pro Poo' that i employ in our local partner thinks i'm nuts. (w00t) mind you, my partner thinks i'm nuts anyhow!anyway, it goes like this

if one of ours has a poo and i can't find it - or if they've dashed off into the trees and i know damn well they must've done one......i consider that i 'owe a poo'

then i pick up the next one that someone else has left behind and the universal poo balance is restored!

am i alone in this????????????

PMSL thought it was just me that done stuff liek that, altho i also if im bent down to pick it up and there is one next door to it i just pick it up in the same bag.

Altho since i hurt my back the amount of poo that is outside on the communal grass is awful before i hurt my back i went down everyweek with a shovel and a huge bag to clean up, now i cant and no one else does.
no your not i pick up after others aswell allthough I was very embareassd at the wekend I am the poo police and hat anyone leaving poo so imagin how mebarrased I was when we were at the racing sutrday i was just stoped for a min to rest my back before fined somewere to sit and a\ woman was shouting somthing behined me after I herd her a few times I turned to fine our cally had droped the bigest poo I had ever seen a greyhound do i just aplogied quicky and picked up and scured off her face was like thunder. I honiosty didnt know she had done it I bet she was there after saying that stuped woman with the greyhounds dosnt pick her poo up dirty moo. Infact I felt so gulity I clears other peoepls up aswell the rest of the wkend and I carnt look the woman in the face anymore :b
well done for picking up emily and dont worrie what the idiot dog owners think, you know that u have done right!!

urchin - i too will pickup a stray poo if i miss one that dana has done, so no u aint mad love.

at the flats where i live we have communal grass with gardeners that come once a week to clip the grass, now i will admit that there is a poo problem where i live but i have always cleaned up after dana and every other dog ive had. quite a few times ive had runnins with one perticular gardener because im the only one that he sees using the grass with a dog.

while i can totally understand him being annoyed at having to manouver between poo's ( most of which are far to big to have come out of my tiny dog ) there is no need for him to have a do at me the way he dose.

i will give you 2 examples of this but believe me there have been many.

the first time i fell foul of this guy i was stood on my front lawn with dana mid poo ( dana not me ) at this point the van pulls into our carpark and he screams out of the window at me

off out one afternoon so i take dana for a quick walk, again his van is in the carpark and he is sat in it eating his butties. i walk past his van and dana nips onto my neighours verge and has a wee, next thing



now after 2 years of abuse off this guy i was getting alittle cheesed off with it so i holler back


and storm off round the courner. i get 200 yards up the road and dana has the poo that she had been brewing for hours and its a stinker! so like the good dog owner i am i pick it up.

i walk calmly round the courner to my street where said van driver is engrossed in the sun and eating his butties, i walk up to the van that has the driver side window down and shove stinking bag of poo ( untied) under the guys nose.


you should have seen his face"! he went green!

feeling much better i took my poo and went home, i then phoned the housing association to complain about the abuse i had recieved off him and i aint seen him for 18 months!

i can understand folk being mad about poo but if he had just said "can u pick up ur poo" that would have been fine but having a do like that when its not even mine is so out of order.
i had the same thing a few years bak, a couple of posh student tarts wasnt impressed that i didnt clean up my dogs wee hahahahah i told them she was a bitch and it wasnt a number two, it wasnt they said, so find it then i said hahahah of course they coudnt, no apology came..