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Pony For Loan


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My 11.2hh pony "Buddy" is requiring a new home :(

he is completely outgrown. i can keep him but hes only 4 and im sure many other children would love him rather than him stuck in a field.

Ive had him since he was 4months old, hes tricoloured shetti x welsh A. Wins at shows, and is Ace with kids. :thumbsup:

i did get him from some travellers and he was very nervous and in a mess (had a broken jaw which i had reset) so he has to trust people first before showing his fun cheeky side. :p but hes fantastic in traffic, to be groomed, catch etc, and hes part broken to drive.

if anyone knows someone who may be interested please PM me. Id prefer to loan him out (i can deliver him) but would sell to the perfect home.

Cheers KIM

Aww isnt he lovely.. :wub: :wub: Bit small for my daughter. :lol: ..but Im sure you will find a great home for him.good luck.. :luck: :huggles: he looks like a little character... :huggles:
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He looks like a real sweetie :) Have you tried your local branch of The Pony Club? The DC's are usually in the know about anyone looking for a pony and they will know the children/families as well. I never had to advertise any of my daughter's little ponies when she outgrew them, as PC secretary at the time I used to get people ringing me and saying they thought she was looking big on the pony and was I thinking of selling! :D They all got fantastic homes though. :luck:
WOUld love one like buddy for my toddler lucas is he good on lead rein and where r u please pm me thanks serena :thumbsup:
If only he was 2-3hands bigger lol but i think my feet might reach the ground now :(

hes gorg :wub: :wub:
Hes lovely.... i would be very tempted for my 5 year son but im not in a right position at the moment.....Im sure you'll find him a loving home very soon :luck: :luck: