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Polly 12 Weeks


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Heres Polly Esther. I could have got her a bit better behind but I think it gives you enough info. She still seems the same shape to me, just finer and slightly leggier. Still a bit bum high but I dont mind that cos I know it will soften.
She looks very promising Karen ,

Super shoulders and neck , I see what you mean about the topline but as you say that should change , they go through many stages don`t they :b

Good tight feet too ,and she has plenty of bone for 12 weeks .

Ive `Cotton`ed on to her name !!

Keep the update s coming
Forgot to mention

Love the use of the ceanothis (sP ) behind , Ive got a big one at the back of the garage and everytime I go through it I get covered in the seeds , looks like ive got blue dandruff :eek: :cheers:
Oooh i've got one of those bush thingys too :D they're gorgeous, Polly's not bad either lol
She looks lovely Karen, I just love the way she is holding her tail! I bet she will 'sock' it to them when she gets in the show ring :p :lol:
Don't know what I'm most impressed by - blue flower thinghy or Polly... Both! :D
OH my God - K9's working again! My withdrawal symptoms have suddenly vanished! :teehee: :blink: :wacko: :lol:

oh ... Polly Esther looks great Karen ... when is her first show? :D
malin said:
Don't know what I'm most impressed by - blue flower thinghy or Polly... Both!  :D
:thumbsup: I'm with you Malin. The puppy is quite lovely, but so is the plant. Great photo!!!
There was more of the 'No dogs allowed garden' but it looked so good I cropped it of :D I did say to Dave, bet they all whine on about the b****y bush.

Anyway thanks for your comments on my puppy and my bush :b

Lana, first show is in September sometime but havnt really looked yet. She seems quite small so not paying out loads until Im sure of her size.