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Please Read. Missing Girl

How terrible for all concerned :( I do hope she comes home soon :luck: :luck: :luck:
I cannot begin to imagine what her parents are going through :(

Please come home Sammy if you are out there somewhere or contact your parents and let them know you are safe.

Good luck :luck:
How awful for her parents, they must be frantic with worry :(

That youtube video shows what a pretty girl she is, I truely hope she is back home with her Mum and Dad ASAP :luck: :luck: :luck:

Thankyou and well done for posting this on here cos I havn't seen or heard of this young girl going missing in the press and will show it to my teenages :thumbsup:
her poor mother is really worried, they think that she was taken be a man an a chat room. This just brings home what can happen,and it does happen.

Her mum Gill is 1 of our managers and not only does she have to cope with this but also with customers. She has said that she has to bite her lip when they start complaning. They dont have to cope with their 13 year ld missing for so long. :rant:
Gosh Sharon what an aweful situation...please let us know wont you if there is any news of her??
this is terrible.i cant begin to imagine what those poor parents are going through its every parents worst nightmare. :( please let her come home to her family
sharron said:
her poor mother is really worried, they think that she was taken be a man an a chat room.  This just brings home what can happen,and it does happen.Her mum Gill is 1 of our managers and not only does she have to cope with this but also with customers. She has said that she has to bite her lip when they start complaning. They dont have to cope with their 13 year ld missing for so long. :rant:

Puts things in to perspective doesn't it? I hope with all my heart she is found safe and well soon, and reunited with her family. Well done for bringin this to our attention.
i to cannot imagine what her parents are going through,i do hope she is home soon, at my daughters school they have just done a safety lesson on using the internet, all about chat rooms and certain websites,people not being who they say they are etc, they are going to be doing one for the parents as well,
i really do hope she is home very soon i cant imagine what her poor family are going through good luck :luck: hope she is home soon x it really does bring home the reality of the internet there are some sick people out there thinking of you all at this sad time but do not give up hope x
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Have passed this on to as many as I can - just hoping desperately that she is OK and will come home soon :luck:
thanks mate.

I know that her mother has been in the daily mirrior. She also said that they were going to do more with the tv,as it has been such a long time since anyone has seen her.
this is the worst nightmare, hope Sammy soon comes home safe :luck: :luck:
theyre doing a feature about this little girl on this morning today
oh i saw that, poor people must be frantic :(
Yep i saw that too, this poor girl has been playing on my mind a bit. How can she just go missing? and also y hasn't it been in the media like madeline mcann or is it because her parents dont have the money etc to afford expensive trips to the pope etc?
maybe because they are assuming she has gone of with some one and not been snatched like Maddy.

Still heartbreaking for her parents. I have a 13 yr old daughter and just cant imagine her meeting someone and going of with them.

I hope she is safe and home soon.

Unfortunately i was at work, and the video did not work :angry: so i missed it.
Just seen on the BBC website that Samantha Osborn has been found after 6 months!

Girl found safe after six months

A teenager who went missing from her Buckinghamshire home in April has been found safe and well, police have said.

Samantha Osborn, 15, from Bourtonville, contacted the National Missing Person's helpline on Wednesday who put her in contact with Thames Valley Police.


She was then visited by Det Insp Vince Grey and Det Sgt Bob Ducker in Bristol.


Det Insp Grey, who led the search, said: "Sam has been missing for several months and we have been increasingly concerned about her well being."

So relieved for her and her parents and family :huggles:
Wow now isnt that really good news, :cheers: in what is a dismal world sometimes...

thanks for posting this Zephyr
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