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Please help - I need advice on my dog's health urgently


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I have a 9 year old white labrador who up until Tuesday was in apparent good health. He has arthritis in his front legs that we have been treating for the last 3 months with medicine and he has been in relatively good form.

On Tuesday we noticed he was a bit off, lethargic, lying down a lot, salivating and looking generally sad. We also noticed swelling around his belly. We took him straight down to the vets. Our vet had a feel around his stomach and told us he has a large tumor and due to the size of it, it would probably unsurvivable if she were to operate. We were told it was probably cancerous and that he may only have a few months to live. We were also told to watch out for 4 key symptoms and if they arose to take him back to her to be put down. They were diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite or drinking lots of water.

On Tuesday, he had none of these, now - 3 days later - he has stopped eating, is drinking a lot and has been vomiting any food he does eat. He seemed on ok form - still tail wagging, walking around, going out to pee, etc. But we have been going easy with him and constantly assessing him. Now, tonight around 12am, he vomited blood twice in quick succession. We've had a chat and decided to take him to the vet tomorrow to be put down. We are absolutely devastated.

BUT: as I lie here beside him tonight for company, I'm questioning his diagnosis and questioning what can be done? Is there anything we can do to prolong his life? Has the boat already sailed? He is only 9, he is a very happy and loving dog, very active, but this has just came on him so quick. We didn't notice any swelling prior to Tuesday! Do we go down the rabbit hole that is proper diagnosis, treatment, etc, or do we accept that he life is coming to an end? We don't have insurance but would be willing to pay (albeit couldn't afford ridiculous costs) for treatment if it will give him more time...

Please give me your advice and suggestions, I really don't want to let him go without a fight...

Thank you.
I am so sorry to hear about your dog. Sadly the only advice anyone can give online is to be guided by your vet. If you think your vet hasn't explored all the alternatives you could see a different vet. But sometimes the kindest thing do do for the dog is the most painful thing for us.
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Oh your poor old chappie! I am so sorry about your very bad news.

Sometimes we have to do what is best for our beloved pets, after all they have been our best and most loyal friends for a long time.

I firmly believe that our pets should go with comfort and dignity, which in a lot of cases is now. I do not believe in keeping an animal alive for another few months, for my benefit alone, just because I can.

If my dog could possible be feeling unwell or in discomfort with only a short term life ahead I would overide my personal feelings and do the kindest thing for my best friend and have him/her put to sleep quietly, peacefully and painlessly.
Update: Phoned a second vet first thing this morning but they had no appointments available till Tuesday. So, that was it as far as I was concerned and his time was up. Could not feasibly wait till Tuesday.

Took him down to our original vets around 11am this morning. She came out to see him in the carpark and said "he's too happy to be put down", quick examination and she said the blood in the vomit will be due to either a tear due to the tumor or because he's picked up an infection as he's more susceptible to them now. So, two more lots of tablets bought including an antibiotic and he's back home with us. Seems in good form, tail wagging, tongue out, but still obviously quite sickly. Waiting to see how he picks up on these new tablets but apparently it's not his time to go just yet!
Oh, what a terribly sad time. Im sure you'll know when it's the right time to say goodbye. At least it looks as though it isn't right now.
I think if there's a chance at a reasonably comfortable and content life, take it. Get your second opinion. I sincerely hope he is able to carry on.
It sounds like he has picked up, that's good news. Enjoy him, spoil him, and hopefully the second opinion will open up some options.