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We will soon be looking for another dog as a companion for our dog.

When we got our current dog, we spent a while deciding on what breed would be suitable for us and our circumstances.

This time as well as that, and possibly more important we want a dog that will make our dog happy....

I dont know where to start really!

Any suggestions?
many people i know go for opposite sex when getting a new family member, as male x male or female x female combos sometimes dont work , whereas in a bitch x dog situation, SHE will always be boss :lol:

if you have an active, boisterous breed, get another thats similar in behaviour, because if you have an aloof dog and then throw in a yappy creature, its liable to get ugly :( i know this as my mum in laws two collie x labs literally tried to kill her mums westie because he seriously irritated them, constantly barking, growling etc.

of course in this case all three dogs were adults, and all male so you get my point.

then you have to think about you already have kids, will you have more or start having a family? far too many dogs get dumped when a baby is on the horizon, so you'd have to consider this, go for a breed that is known for loving kids, that is robust enough to cope with said kids. also, with young children or babies, go for a breed that doesnt have difficulties in the house training department, because nappies, puddles etc all at the same time can get a bit much :x

good luck :luck:
Ahh thats brilliant lalena! Thanks!!

We were thinking a female would be best as our dog is male.... He is boisterous and playful but likes his sleep too!! He gets on with all dogs, but alot of males dogs dont like him!

He loves bouncey playful dogs like young labs and female boxers!

No kids at present but wedding and kids planned for the near future....

I would like a rescue dog but at the same time i like having a pup cos you can trainthem and bring them up your way....

I am thinking a female boxer as everyone i know that has them raves about them. Plus they seem to love kids and get on well with my dog... and they arent too big.... So i think something along similar lines?
i think you ae doing the right thing by asking before you go ahead and get another dog, i have seen another thread of yours asking for help regarding your current dogs barking, i personally would sort out this problem before you get another dog.

just so you can concentrate more on training the new one really, if you are gonna get a boxer you will need lots of energy and time on your hands and loads of patience.

we are thinking of getting another dog for our terrier but we dont want to get one that is similar to her, as theywill be compatible in energy levels, character etc and so will just egg each other on more!

good luck

Have a look on Dogpages cos they often have pups of various breeds who need re-homing and they have usually been fostered so you'll know what sort of character they are.

You could always go for a lurcher - they like rough play and certainly sleep a lot :)

Plenty looking for homes on
Loopy said:
Have a look on Dogpages cos they often have pups of various breeds who need re-homing and they have usually been fostered so you'll know what sort of character they are.
You could always go for a lurcher - they like rough play and certainly sleep a lot :)

Plenty looking for homes on

Thanks Loopy! I would love to rehome a pup!

My parents have a lurcher cross (is it saluki?) and she is so funny!!! just lazes about and sleeps and tehn has madness moments!! But she catches little animals and brings them back as she is a rescue and used to have to do that :(

My fella doesnt really want a whippet/greyhound/lurcher as he had a little whippet cross when he was young that he adored and says they all remind him of her :(

maggymills, we are moving house in a couple of weeks and once doggy is settled there and has a big garden and loads of space i think it will improve. We will obviously let him settle and see how he goes before getting another dog, but i would like him to have a companion.

I see what you are saying... I would like a dog that he can play with and be close to but not egg each other on which i think could be the prob with a boxer like you say.... most boxers i have met have been super-high maintenace too!

I think you're doing absolutely the right thing Lolly - asking around for advice before you jump in :thumbsup:

There are a lot of considerations when expanding a pack and i think you're being very wise in waiting til you're settled.......wish everyone was as thoughtful as you :cheers:
urchin said:
I think you're doing absolutely the right thing Lolly - asking around for advice before you jump in  :thumbsup: There are a lot of considerations when expanding a pack and i think you're being very wise in waiting til you're settled.......wish everyone was as thoughtful as you  :cheers:

Thanking you. :thumbsup:

I would turn my house into a homeless animal shelter given half a chance, so trying to be rational and sensible! o:)