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Pigment Loss

Zoe G

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My Mums dog Jessie has recently started to lose pigment around her eyes and mouth. They are usually grey but are now pink in places. She is only 3. She has had a little bit of conjunctivitis aswell. Anyone got any ideas? We were wondering if it could be the cold weather but haven't seen it happen before.

Let me know if you have any tips. :)


Annie caught conjunctivitis a few months ago. My vet gave me eye ointment for her which cleared the infection up within a couple of days. A few days later I noticed pinky areas around her eyes ..... the dark pigment had completely gone, but glad to say it returned after a week or two. :)
Zoe G said:
My Mums dog Jessie has recently started to lose pigment around her eyes and mouth. They are usually grey but are now pink in places. She is only 3. She has had a little bit of conjunctivitis aswell. Anyone got any ideas? We were wondering if it could be the cold weather but haven't seen it happen before.

Let me know if you have any tips.  :)



2 of my girls lose their eyerim pigment through the winter months with the lack of sunlight and outdoor time. I add kelp to their diet or Elderberry and Nettle extract which helps to restore their pigment.

Yup know that kelp helps :thumbsup:
Yes kelps great .......just beware that in hot weather it can make dogs over heat though during too much excercise :)
Strike Whippets said:
Yes kelps great .......just beware that in hot weather it can make dogs over heat though during too much excercise  :)
Good advice. I'll be cutting it out during the summer months and re-starting it in September again.

Zoe - what kind of bowls does the dog eat out of? Just wondering as you mentioned about the mouth. If he's eating out of plastic bowls I would recommend changing him to metal. Plastic can emit (over time) toxins which cause what we called back home (in Canada) kennel mouth - which was the mouth going soft and red and mushy - some sort of skin infection. As soon as we changed to metal bowls it cleared up.

Just another thought.
