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hi can anyone tell me how to down load pictures onto k9 can anyone help me please :D
First you have to make the photos 75 k or less , they when you `ve written what you want , instead of ADD REPLY , click on Browser , find your photo . double click it and you will see along browser that it is there , then you click on ADD REPLY .

Simple really :- " says me :eek: :cheers:
cheers jax but how do i make the picture 75 k or less silly question :b
Bess said:
If you are trying to post a picture you need to post a .gif or .jpg file - your Internet browser has the capability to display those graphics formats. Unfortunately a .tif format file is not supported by browsers so ends up as a download link.
Testing my abilities to download a piccie...

didnt work.

I clicked browse, selected my file, chose (.gif, .jpg) and double clicked on the thumbnail - clicked add reply, waited, then got the message "you cannot upload this type of file".

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am such a dimwit with technology.
I downloaded the photo resizer,Nigel's right it is straight foward, when youv'e got it open it up, press open pick a photo from your pictures press resize, then save it, voila got a smaller picture.if the picture doesn't go small enough try cutting the size down a bit at the side on the resizer and try again.

Hope this helps


*Lesley* said:
I downloaded the photo resizer,Nigel's right it is straight foward, when youv'e got it open it up, press open pick a photo from your pictures press resize, then save it, voila got a smaller picture.if the picture doesn't go small enough try cutting the size down a bit at the side on the resizer and try again.
Hope this helps


Lesley can i ask you how long did it take to download, i tried and seems to take forages, i'm probably doing it wrong, not very good with computers :blink:

jue332 said:
*Lesley* said:
I downloaded the photo resizer,Nigel's right it is straight foward, when youv'e got it open it up, press open pick a photo from your pictures press resize, then save it, voila got a smaller picture.if the picture doesn't go small enough try cutting the size down a bit at the side on the resizer and try again.
Hope this helps


Lesley can i ask you how long did it take to download, i tried and seems to take forages, i'm probably doing it wrong, not very good with computers :blink:


Hiya Julie,

Do you mean onto the resizer or on to K9, if you mean onto K9 could be a couple of reasons, it maybe that its the speed of your PC or the traffic on the web site K9 or it could be that it is still a little large, it should come onto your resizer as soon as you open it, if you find your photo wont go any smaller on the resizer cut the size down a little wher it says options widthand height

from 640 to 600 and 480 to 400 it will just make the pics go down a bit more.

Hope some of that helps if not let me know

Thanks Lesley,

I did manage to download the photo resizer :) , and have managed to post my 1st picture :p (on come- be brave) Thing is not really sure how I did it :blink: !!!!!!

Thanks for your help, I'm not very good with computers, only figured out the coloured writing this week !!!! :wacko:

I have only had a computer about a month (xmas pressy) and am a bit of a techno dipstick i tried to post a piccy (under 75kb)((what ever that is)) and it just came out as a title thingy that you download from, thought i had done it right but am confused :wacko: ,as usual!

can someone tell me where went wrong plz :blink:
What program did you download it from Rebecca, was it microsoft word
*Lesley* said:
What program did you download it from Rebecca, was it microsoft word
um, might have been, :(

i got it from picture file, it worked once before but don't think i did anything different this time,

definately wasn't drunk!. . . . maybe that was the problem :- "
You need to bring your photo from my picturesor the place where you keep your pics then once youve resized them they should just come on without a link, have a few vodkas first :lol:

Julie, nice pic :thumbsup:
*Lesley* said:
You need to bring your photo from my picturesor the place where you keep your pics then once youve resized them they should just come on without a link, have a few vodkas first :lol:
Julie, nice pic :thumbsup:

on second bottle so i will have another go
Your'e doing it in paint programme thats why, where did you get the pic to put it into paint, get it from there instead :thumbsup: more vodka needed :thumbsup:
beaker said:
on second bottle so i will have another go
You need gif or jpg file format pictures (i.e. have .gif or .jpg at the end of the file name) - you tried to show a .bmp picture which isn't possible.