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Piccos Torn His Dew Claw Again


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Piccos dew claws have been fine for months now :unsure: so we were starting to think they'd toughened up and we'd finally seen an end to him tearing them :b

He's torn it differently this morning :unsure: he's torn the whole nail away from the quick :( which bled like mad (w00t) but now he's home and cleaned it up it doesn't seem to be bothering him at all :unsure:

I'm very reluctant to put him through a General anaesthetic for something that might only happen a few times a year and which doesn't seem to bother him that much once its done :unsure:

So should we have them off once and for all ? and if we don't is the only risk that he might tear them again or is there other risks we're not thinking of ?

And if we do want to have them taken off, how willing is the vet likely to be about taking them off ?


vets would be quite willing to take them off as they can cause probs being torn off.i had a dobermann stud dog who got one of his toe nails caught in between the joints in the flags in the garden.ripped it completely off but it did grow back.bled like a bitch though!we always removed them as they can be a nuisance.
My GWP had his removed at the age of 3 years old and had no problem afterwards. Best thing I did for him.

:luck: Good luck what ever you do :luck:
Ouch! poor Picco! :(

I've been wondering about having Tens dew claws removed as he's always catching them. I'm the same as you though - not sure if its worth putting him through a GA?
My first whippet had hers removed at 8 months and she was fine under An. - my others were removed at birth or just afterwards anyway. If you are having problems I would go for it unless you tape them up when you go out which is a real faff on.
Unfortunately it's something only you can decide.

We, like Lesley with Calli, had a dew claw grow back on Teya, and it started growing into the foot, so we had it removed. She bounced right back from it with no problems.

Chelsea never had any problems with her dew claws, so we left them alone, but when she went in for another op we had them done. I think if she'd repeatedly had bad tears I might have been inclined to chat with the vets a bit further about taking them off, but I still hate the idea of them being put under for anythign unnecessary, so I guess I'd have to decide how necessary I felt it was. If it was happening a few times a year, I might decide it was.

Is he anyplace specific when it happens - like one particular walk that you do? It might be worth learning how to wrap them when he goes running there (the way racers and lure courses sometimes wrap paws).
