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Photo Competition


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I joined,and started going along to a camera club a few month's back.There are professional's,semi professional's,and just plonker's like me in the club.Some of the work is great,and the more knowledgable folk,who are all key'ed up in this photoshop thingy are producing some exelent stuff,that to be honest,isn't at time's real photograph's,but summit that has been made in photoshop.Anyway,there are a few competition's each month,and this month it was Homour,and Open.Everyone put's forward 3 of their best pix ,into each category.There are over 40 member's,so that is a lot of pix.These range from A3, A4,and 10x8.Last month,i got a 4th place,in the open,but to my great surprise,i went and turned out the best photo in this month's open competition,and to have it judged best pic,by a well known photographer,was absolutely great.Im well chuffed with myself now,so please forgave me for boasting,but ive never achieved much in my life,other than with my dog's.The photo in ?,is of my daughter Alannah,on Benone beach,County Londonderry,N.Ireland,and it was just one of those messing about pix that was'nt deleated with the rest.Funny thing is,that it was only a few pix before this one,and on the same day,that i got 4th with last month. I did'nt think it nothing special,but someone obviously liked it.As we are having the living room decorated shortly,and the colour's are going to be blue n brown,i might just get a poster size of this one done,for above the sofa ...Billy...

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(w00t) What a stunning photo Billy! The colours are amazing, and the beach looks a magical place. How nice to see Alannah enjoying herself I hope she is well now. I bet if you think about it youve achieved more than you think - I think you bring lots of enjoyment to others with your pictures, I really enjoy looking at all the ones you put on the forum from the little birds to your family and your lovely dogs! :thumbsup:
:cheers: welldone billy ,cracking photo :cheers:
thats a smashing photo billy,very calming to look at too.

well done to you on your win and hope theres many more :thumbsup: :cheers:
That is beautiful, Billy, conjures up all sorts of emotions too, well done :thumbsup:
What a beautiful,calming photo....well done :thumbsup:
Well done - that really is a lovely photo.
That is a really beautiful photo. :wub: :wub: You should certainly have it on show. Congratulations for winning - well deserved. :thumbsup:
A big well done Billy :thumbsup:
:cheers: everyone,ane thank's for you're comment's.Alannah has imformed me that it was her who won it,cause if she wasn't in the photo,who would want to look at a stupid photo of blue sand.Then she say's it's a stupid photo anyway,cause the sand on Benone beach isn't blue.Can't win,can you. ...Billy...
I have been taking pix of sunset's quite a lot,but this was the 1st time ive seen the sun coming up as a 6 pointed star.Can anyone explain why this is,or is the sun realy not round,after all,and is it realy what this photo has shown it to be.Has anyone else had this outcome before.Im just being nosey,that's all. ...Billy...

Well done. :cheers: It's a lovely photo. :thumbsup: External judges that judge at these club competitions usually have letters after their name as long as your arm and are very experienced, so that really was a good result!!
well done Billy I love both photos

our Jade wonts to be a phographer when she leves school you will have to give her some ponters.
Well done, it's a great pic :cheers: And I absolutely love the sunset pic :thumbsup: I've never seen the sun that shape either - perhaps something to do with the atmosphere/humidity and the refraction of the light :blink: In other words... no idea :unsure: Looks fantastic though :thumbsup: