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Pets Are People


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There was definitely a tear in my eye last night then I watched this on BBC2!! :(

To see such a hard looking man (unshaven, skin-head, tattoos) cry when he spoke about his first love - his very first dog - made me cry too!! :(

And when the woman found her lost dog - I was so pleased for her I cried again.

Brilliant programme hope it is on next week. :thumbsup:

I just hope some of the scumbags :rant: that torture and killed peoples' pets and often best friend watched this a saw the pain that they cause!!!! :rant:
Forgot about this programme but did see the SuperVets one, which I thought was quite good last week but I thought that it was very sad that they just let the poor old reindeer die this week instead of doing the decent thing and euthanasing her. Not what I would expect from a "SuperVet". Methinks they are just using these animals as guineapigs and not doing what is in the animals' best interests.
Hopefully the pets are people programme might make a difference to those plonkers who just say 'what's the matter with you. It's just a dog. Buy another one'. The pain of the people was v evident wasn't it.
dessie said:
Forgot about this programme but did see the SuperVets one, which I thought was quite good last week but I thought that it was very sad that they just let the poor old reindeer die this week instead of doing the decent thing and euthanasing her.  Not what I would expect from a "SuperVet".  Methinks they are just using these animals as guineapigs and not doing what is in the animals' best interests.

Yeah I watched it on teleport this morning but got interrupted. I felt rather sorry for the springer and TBH I really wouldn't know what to decide if it was my dog. The thought of extensive surgery to graft skin onto it's leg (plus the risk of it not taking) versus an amputation would leave me in dispair. Does anyone know if it was succesful? :luck:
we watched the dogs are people program again.couldnt bear to miss it after watching freddy the j.r. and bertie the iggy last week.there wasnt a dry eye in our house.was so happy when the lady in blackpool got her little yorkie back :thumbsup:
wild whippies said:
dessie said:
Forgot about this programme but did see the SuperVets one, which I thought was quite good last week but I thought that it was very sad that they just let the poor old reindeer die this week instead of doing the decent thing and euthanasing her.  Not what I would expect from a "SuperVet".  Methinks they are just using these animals as guineapigs and not doing what is in the animals' best interests.

Yeah I watched it on teleport this morning but got interrupted. I felt rather sorry for the springer and TBH I really wouldn't know what to decide if it was my dog. The thought of extensive surgery to graft skin onto it's leg (plus the risk of it not taking) versus an amputation would leave me in dispair. Does anyone know if it was succesful? :luck:

I would probably have a go with the skin graft because the thought of a 3 legged dog is absolutely abhorrent to me but I think I would weigh the pros and cons on the individual dog. What a stupid remark that Vet made about a bitch suckling a litter from the skin graft down her leg ............... surely the nipples have to be connected to mammary glands, don't they!

My Vet and I were talking about the cat that had heart surgery and I said that £20 odd thousand was silly money and I wouldn't spend that, especially on a cat, and her reply was "I bet you would if it had been Dessie". And, of course, I probably would have so I do think you would have to take each case on its merits. Money is very easy to obtain these days if you want it bad enough but I think you need to be very sure you are having these procedures carried out in the best interest of the animal involved.
I agree entirely, cost goes out the window if it's going to improve your pets quality of life.

I think what got me about the skin graft was I know they're extremly painful and the thought of it breaking down especially as the dog had a previous flesh eating bacteria left me with doubts as to what I would do. Plus I'd be worried about the donor site becoming infected too. I think the other thing is seeing people on here with dogs that have lost a limb and they all feel they're dogs have a good quality of life, before I read them I also felt it must be too traumatic for a dog to overcome but I wouldn't be so sure now.

Fingers crossed it's a success for the spaniel :luck: