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Petition To Stop Trade Of Dog And Cat Fur


Grand Master Undead Fighter
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Hey Everyone

At the moment i am sitting watching a video that was made my a humane society in china. The complete story is on this site

Did you know that fake fur is more likely to be dog and cat fur because it is cheeper to buy in? I didn't but after watching the video I am beginning a petition to get the trade of dog and cat fur banned in Europe. I could not believe that this was allowed to happen. I do warn you that the images you will see on the video and the site are very disturbing. These animals are skinned alive then thrown onto a pile of flesh still alive. From the evidence that was collected it was found that the animals took upto and over twenty minutes to die. When they are being transported they are cramped into small cages and thrown upto and over 30 feet from a truck to a concrete floor.

This brutality has to be stopped. And to stop it we need to stop trading with china for its fur. There was a statement released where the chinese government admitted that certain farmers do not know how to properly slaughter these poor animals humanely. But I believe that the animals should not be slaughtered whatsoever. There is a ban in the United States that has prevented the trade of dog and cat fur into the USA. The same should happen in Europe. This brutality has to be stopped.

I want to get a petition going and eventually send it to london and raise awareness about this. Please could you show your support and get this abomination stopped.
:( awful, isnt it. i posted something similar a while back, but not much response.

what gets me is how traders label cat fur as rabbit :( i mean, rabbits suffering is bad enough, but for more intelligent animals like cats and dogs, who KNOW whats coming.... :(

:thumbsup: for bringing this back
lalena said:
:(   awful, isnt it. i posted something similar a while back, but not much response.what gets me is how traders label cat fur as rabbit :( i mean, rabbits suffering is bad enough, but for more intelligent animals like cats and dogs, who KNOW whats coming.... :(

:thumbsup: for bringing this back

Please post a comment and show your supprt. I shall be taking all the information and sending it to Tony Blair, I have already e-mailed him as well as the chinese ambassador. Please please please show your support.
lalena said:
:(   awful, isnt it. i posted something similar a while back, but not much response.what gets me is how traders label cat fur as rabbit :( i mean, rabbits suffering is bad enough, but for more intelligent animals like cats and dogs, who KNOW whats coming.... :(

:thumbsup: for bringing this back

I want to support it's just that I can't bring myself to open the links because I can't bare the pictures that are on them :b :(
*Lesley* said:
lalena said:
:(   awful, isnt it. i posted something similar a while back, but not much response.what gets me is how traders label cat fur as rabbit :( i mean, rabbits suffering is bad enough, but for more intelligent animals like cats and dogs, who KNOW whats coming.... :(

:thumbsup: for bringing this back

I want to support it's just that I can't bring myself to open the links because I can't bare the pictures that are on them :b :(

Thats ok, please just say on the forum that you support it...and thats better than anything.
done! lets just hope i'm not carted off by mi6 :sweating: for pointing out that if the government pleads ignorance, then obviously it isnt suited to running china, as its out of touch, and if the government is aware and doing nothing, it is condoning animal cruelty, and needs to take a look at how it affects their global standing ;)
You've got my support too! :thumbsup:
Lynn-Alexandria said:
*Lesley* said:
lalena said:
:(   awful, isnt it. i posted something similar a while back, but not much response.what gets me is how traders label cat fur as rabbit :( i mean, rabbits suffering is bad enough, but for more intelligent animals like cats and dogs, who KNOW whats coming.... :(

:thumbsup: for bringing this back

I want to support it's just that I can't bring myself to open the links because I can't bare the pictures that are on them :b :(

Thats ok, please just say on the forum that you support it...and thats better than anything.

I definatley do support it I can't abide any form of animal cruelty :thumbsup:
I also can't bring myself to look at the article but you have my full support in doing anything to stop this abominable trade :x
I think it is important to remember we are dealing with people of a completely different mind set. When the security guards of the newly opened ASDA in Shanghai caught a couple of shoplifters they dragged them round the back of the store and drowned then in a canal (this is true). ASDA issued a statement saying “it is not company policy ect ect ect” and insisted the guards be retrained.

If human life is of no value in this part of the world what chance do animals have.

:( :(

I am shocked...i am part of the Most Haunted Forum and thought I would try to get more support by posting the message up there. One member replied saying "waits for thread to be deleted" and a second said "Piff Paff Poof" minutes later the thread had been deleted. Unbelievable.
Lynn-Alexandria said:
I am shocked...i am part of the Most Haunted Forum and thought I would try to get more support by posting the message up there.  One member replied saying "waits for thread to be deleted" and a second said "Piff Paff Poof" minutes later the thread had been deleted.  Unbelievable.
how rude is that??? bet they wouldnt have been so heartless if THEIR cat/dog gets stolen to make some rich b***hs gloves etc.

:angry: :angry: some people!!! youre on the right forum here :thumbsup:
lalena said:
done! lets just hope i'm not carted off by mi6 :sweating: for pointing out that if the government pleads ignorance, then obviously it isnt suited to running china, as its out of touch, and if the government is aware and doing nothing, it is condoning animal cruelty, and needs to take a look at how it affects their global standing ;)
Entirely agree. These are cruel, outdated, and sickening practises, and should have no place in society, something any modern government should clearly see.
digzoils said:
I think it is important to remember we are dealing with people of a completely different mind set. When the security guards of the newly opened ASDA in Shanghai caught a couple of shoplifters they dragged them round the back of the store and drowned then in  a canal (this is true). ASDA issued a statement saying “it is not company policy ect ect ect” and insisted the guards be retrained.If human life is of no value in this part of the world what chance do animals have.

:(   :(


I wouldn't kick up a stink if they did that to the people who did these things to the animals :b sorry but it's how I feel
Glad you feel strongly enough to try to do something about this sickening trade that goes on in China and a lot of the Asian countries too. I whole heartedly support you.

I have looked at websites of many of the animal welfare organizations and the videos that have been taken are so heart breaking. I am in tears after watching such inhumane treatment of dogs and cats.

To see dogs crammed into wire cages and then kicked off the backs of lorries to fall onto concrete ground is just sickening, the injuries that these dogs suffer through this act alone is in itself barbaric, then these poor terrified and badly injured animals are dragged from the cages and crudely slaughtered in full view of the other dogs awaiting the same fate.

To see dogs with their front legs dislocated and tied behind their backs at Chinese markets being sold as meat.

To see dogs and cats skinned alive for their fur.

The cat and dog fur trade in China is not new, it’s just that people have not been aware that this cruelty exists, indeed it would seem unbelievable in this day and age wouldn’t it, until you become brave enough to look at the images on the net. Hopefully more and more people are realising this is the reality and will try to help put a stop to such torture of animals.

With the Beijing Olympics impending, now and in the near future is a good time to raise awareness of the plight of these animals.

It’s going to be a long haul trying to change the attitudes of these people, in a part of the world where eating dog and cat is looked upon no differently than eating beef or pork, where people including children can go to a restaurant and be taken around the back of the premises to hand pick which dog they want to be killed for them to eat. The people in this part of the world do not have compassion for any animal.

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This has got my support 100% I received a mailing from the Humane Society with some horrible images :rant: in it and sent them £20 . Every little helps, I hope this barbaric treatment can be stopped one day. :thumbsup:
Sorry :( afraid to click on the link as well, for I know from what you and others have said on this thread it will haunt me, but if you've got my whole hearted support :thumbsup:
Well I have some good news. I recieved an e-mail from the first minister in scotland and he has forwarded my details and mail to the Trade administration place. He said they will be in contact with me shortly.
I will support you...all cruelty on animals should be stoped!...they have same feelings as human beings (maybe they are even more sensitive)..poor litlle things...
