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Pet Friendly Hotel


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Hi All,

Just come back from a weekend away and stayed in a 'pet friendly hotel' which we didnt find particularly friendly and wondered if this was the norm....

It was our first time away with the dogs so we were not sure what to expect..

We booked one from the Pets welcome book and the lady said that there was no extra cost for bringing them (wow, thanks!)

When we got there, the hotel was on a busy main road and we were in an upstairs room. None of the adjoining fields could be used by the dogs as they all belonged to farmers however we were told they could use the garden..

when we went into the garden, both dogs automatically ran to the part of the garden that wasnt that well fenced (yes, youve guessed it, the bit on the busy road...)

so once we had delicately stepped around the mountains of dog poop that hadnt been cleared up.. they did their business and back in we went..

we were then informed that we would have to leave the dogs in the car during meal times - WHAT!!!!! :rant: :rant: We confirmed this would not be the case and ended up doing our breakfast in shifts... which begs the question - what happens during the summer? :angry:

Other guests seemed fine with this arrangement (many of whom we having dinner there as well...)

Now is it just me...????

We were lucky enough to find a pub just down the pub who were very dog friendly and also let out rooms on a b&b basis so if anyone is looking to go to woolacoombe with their dogs, I would be happy to recommend the Foxhunters Inn :thumbsup:

(PM me if you would like to know who I dont recommend...)
thanks for letting us know where not to go!! in cars?? how irresponsible!!! hope you had a nice time though :thumbsup:
I've never been to such a hotel, though if I owned one I would definitely stipulate that it is the responsibility of the dog owners to pick up their dog's poop when they go for a walk in the garden (I wouldn't do it for them, although I would provide a bin and poop scoops) and that if they were seen not doing this they would be fined or ejected. That's just my opinion.

Not fencing the garden properly is inexcusable though.
GreyKnight said:
I've never been to such a hotel, though if I owned one I would definitely stipulate that it is the responsibility of the dog owners to pick up their dog's poop when they go for a walk in the garden (I wouldn't do it for them, although I would provide a bin and poop scoops) and that if they were seen not doing this they would be fined or ejected.  That's just my opinion.
Not fencing the garden properly is inexcusable though.

Quite! my husband and I had to provide a human shield to stop them getting out....

Have attached some pics of their time at the beach though.. they did have a lovely time so it was all worth it in the end...



View attachment 36458


Its a shame about the so called "pet friendly" hotel but your beautiful dogs should make up for all of it. :wub:

Fab pic :thumbsup: