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People coming into our garden to let dogs sniff and pee....


Kara 1

Would you find this acceptable. ..its mainly people with small dogs on extending leads ...let their dogs down our drive into the garden ...when i asked one guy this morning what he was doing ...letting my dog sniff reply realise you are in my garden ...Yeah was his reply are on private property ...then he started shouting and waving his arms in the air as he walked off ....
I know and its disgusting, but dont get me started on cats!
I have a hand made one of a kind old fashioned iron fence which had to be covered in gauze and now has ivy growing on it just to keep the cats out or else my garden is one huge litter tray..

I did have a neighbour who let his dogs do their toilet in my drive but I couldnt catch him until one day when I happened to spot him from an upstairs window, his dog did its poo and he just walked on and left it so I went downstairs got a bag picked up the poo and delivered it to his doormat... NO bag of course I wouldnt want to be littering...

He seemed to have understood because from then on he took a wide berth around our house!
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Completely unacceptable. You could get some of these signs that say the property is monitored by cctv because I'd bet people know they are in the wrong.
No, not acceptable at all.
Poo- totally unacceptable...sniffing and wee messages, well don't mind because they actually get the corgi x to do a few answering-back puddles last thing at night- then we can all go in to bye-byes. ;)
As a one off, the dog strays and the owner calls back then yes totally acceptable.

As you described not only reoccurring but letting the dog stray and no attempt to regain control bringing it off your property is totally unacceptable.

Bad people unfortunatly give good dogs a bad name.
Forgot to add it wasnt just the dog in the garden ...the guy was in the garden too .....
Would letting the dog sniff and pee on a public lawn be just as unacceptable as on someone’s private lawn?

If not - why not?

If so - then where does this leave the dogs?
Entirly a different situation. One is a public space for everybodies recreation. The other is privately owned land and could be classed as trespass.

They are not even remotly comparable situations.
Would letting the dog sniff and pee on a public lawn be just as unacceptable as on someone’s private lawn?

If not - why not?

If so - then where does this leave the dogs?
Here in England. ..public spaces are just that Public spaces ....peoples own gardens are private property and therefore anyone that hasnt been invited into your garden is trespassing. ...
Would letting the dog sniff and pee on a public lawn be just as unacceptable as on someone’s private lawn?

If not - why not?

If so - then where does this leave the dogs?

I get what you are saying. On a lovely day, if people wanted to sit on the grass in a park, they wouldn't want to sit where a dog has just toileted. I'm conscious of that when we walk and try to make sure T doesn't wee in inappropriate places but fortunately (?) we seldom have good weather for people to sit out in parks without it having just rained ...
Here where we are, which is suburbs of NYC, there are no public lawns. On a walk through residential area one walks on the sidewalk of a street, and on both sides of the street are houses, and surrounding those houses are private yards. There is nothing but private properties. Except the street itself.

Now, of course, no reasonable person would walk his dog up the driveway, into the back of the house, to pee.... But staying totally out of private yards would mean staying on the pavement. Not the common practice where we are. As the dog walker - you let the dog walk and sniff and pee and poop on the grass near the road (cleaning up the poop, of course). As the private property owner - you don’t make an issue out of it. That’s the norm here.

There are exceptions, of course, they just love their grass to death, or can’t stand a dog stepping on their yard because they feel it’s trespassing. Those exceptions usually put a fence around the yard. Doesn’t have to be a wall, can be very low decorative cute fence. People respect fences, usually.

But throwing trespassing angle in this is quite silly, IMHO. There are many ordinances and rules controlling each private property, people can spend lives looking for neighbors who violate one rule or another, and filing complaints. Life is too short for that.

I think common sense should prevail. Bringing a dog to pee into what’s clearly someone’s treasured rose garden - unacceptable. Letting a dog step on someone’s grass as it walks by - happens all the time.
Forgot to add it wasnt just the dog in the garden ...the guy was in the garden too .....
I missed this one! Ha, yeah, that’s a little too friendly neighbor.
Are most of your front gardens open directly onto the pavement with no fences or gates, @Ari_RR ? Here, typically, you'd have to go a little way up the drive to get to the lawn and it does feel like (and is!) encroaching onto someone's property. There are a few roads out here where the lawns are right next to the pavement with no fence and I often have to chivvy Jasper past these till we get to a bit of 'public' verge.

As an example on the Google Maps link below, I wouldn't let J go on the lawn on the right in front of the bulgalow, but would get him past the fence where the grass beyond is next to tennis courts and not a private garden. Though when his corn has been bothering him I might let him walk with his left legs just going on to the grass (if going in the opposite direction, obviously!)

Google Maps

I think it's a case of different rules for different places based on different typical garden layouts. But they do say 'An Englishman's home is his castle' and that probably extends to his garden too!
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In a Dutchmans case they seem to take responsibility for the pavement and the road outside too... You get people tapping on the window at you if the dog so much as sniffs the trees that line the street in some areas. We are lucky that there are lots of public green spaces and designated off lead fields so that people who don't like dogs can steer clear.
Well, this is what it looks like around here.
The road, houses on both sides of the road, with grass yards around them.
It would be quite hard to coexist if everyone were to treat their front lawn as their castle, I am afraid...

Bonus image - our neighborhood fox :)


Who picks up his poo? :)
Yep! Those who notice - and that’s mostly us, the humans who walk dogs, because we tend to pay a lot of attention to what’s on the ground.
So, yeah, our quadrupeds do occasionally pee on a neighbor’s grass, but we also clean up after our fox when we notice. I would think - not such a horrible trade off after all!