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Peeing In The House Again


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Hi all, I am new here but would really like some help please. I have a 4 year old bitch who has recently started going to the toilet on the Kitchen floor after we have gone to bed at night.

We take her out regularly and make sure she does her jobs but she continues to do it at least every other night. I was wondering if the fact that I am 6 months pregnant is starting to affect her although she is not getting any less attention from us.

Any ideas on what may be affecting her and how I can change her behaviour??

Thank you

Welcome to K9 :)

I wonder if changing her feeding times would help in some way?

She may well be "attention seeking" in her doggy way, so whatever you do, don't react to the messing or tell her off. Any attention is good attention to a dog if that's what they are wanting. Just ignore the mess and clear it up without saying a word.

Go back to basics with her as you would when house-training a pup and take her outside regularly and ask her to perform and praise her lots when she does the right thing :D

The only other thing is the possibility of her having a poorly tum? Sounds yuk, but is the poo normal?? Might she need worming?

Or have you changed her food recently - maybe she has a touch of colitis?

Just things to consider :)

Good luck getting her back to normal :luck: and I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well :D :thumbsup:
Is she spayed ? When I have had bitches who were not spayed they would sometimes do this when they were coming in season ?
If this has started suddently it is probably worth getting her checked to make sure there's no physical cause such as a urine infection, also as Hula says if she's coming into season that could affect her. Make sure you clean up any indoor accidents with something like dilute Bio washing liquid, as that will help take away the scent that will draw her back to do it again.

Unfortunatley for some dogs this can just become a habit, and can be a very difficult one to break. In my experience it's often linked to some anxiety at night, and sometimes just letting the dog sleep somewhere they can hear and sense you can solve the problem (but I understand not everybody wants to do that).

Have you considered crating her at night (it's something you'd have to introduce gradually so she sees her crate as a safe little den rather than a 'cage')? One of my girls starting weeing and soiling indoors at night and it seemed to become a real compulsion with her - I tried closing off the area where she went, but she got more and more ingenious about finding her way round my barricades. Eventually I decided enough was enough and put her bed in a crate - she was already used to the the crate in the car and settled down in it fine from night one - and I've never had a problem since. She obviously didn't 'need' to go, as she's not desperate to get out in the mornings when I get up - she usually comes out of the crate and goes straight back to sleep on the sofa!

Good luck, I hope you manage to find a solution! :luck: