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Patellar Luxation


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i am picking up my terrier in an hour's time after he has had surgery on both legs for patellar luxation. I am worried how I will cope as I am on my own. Any advice please?
Oh poor boy , seems strange doing both legs together , do you have a crate for him ?
No. I don't have a crate. I don't think he'll be able to walk. I think I might sleep downstairs with him.
He’ll need to be taken outside to do his poos and wees which is going to be difficult for him , hopefully he’ll be able to put enough weight on his legs to cope with this. Just can’t understand the vet doing both legs , usually one at a time then the dog can at least have some movement on three legs . How long has he had the luxation?
Are you at home with him all the time?
Yes. I am based at home and shall certainly remain there for the next few days. The vet suggested I loop a towel under him to take him out for his ablutions.
That’s good you’ll be with him :) is he home now?
Yes. He's home and a friend is bringing around a cage. He only had one knee done after all. The next one will be in eight weeks time
Oh that’s good ! That’ll make things a bit easier for you both :rolleyes: pleased he only did the one after all. Has he got to wear the ‘cone ‘ ? ;)
The crate will be good to keep him safe for a while if you’re not about , can’t get up to too much mischief then .
As you may have seen my lab Wilbur had his knee pinned when he broke it,
Stay with him first night then see how he is,
No running or jumping for a while,
Oh and cut down on food as no exercise,
Best of luck and hope little one is ok.