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Parvo puppy


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I got a 9 week old Shih Tzu puppy last Tuesday evening (25/11). We got him home and he was lethargic, being sick and had diarrhoea. The person we got him from said it was due to the "stress" of moving to a new home but we were worried. In the end we took him to the vets on Thursday morning. At this point the vet tested him for parvo which came back positive. Cue much wrangling with the person we got him from, who was saying it was just a reaction to his first vaccination and a "false positive" (had his first vaccination on 21/11). Either way, our puppy wasn't well. Our insurance didn't cover us for illness for the first 14days (which I believe is common) so we ended up paying quite a lot of money for treatment ourselves. The seller offered to take the dog back and refund our money, but was going to have him put down and we just couldnt do it. Our pup was treated at the vets for Parvo and came home on Sunday (30/11). We have anti sickness meds and antibiotics for him. He's doing well in most respects, playing, eating, toiletting normally etc however he is dry heaving a lot, and it seems to be increasing. The vet said as long as he doesn't actually vomit, it's ok but we are a bit worried still. Also, when he comes off his meds is he going to start vomiting again? At this point we still wouldn't be covered by insurance and, even if we were, it would probably be classed as a "pre exisiting condition". We are really at our financial limit now and can't spend any more. So, I wanted to find out if the dry heaving is common and if there's anything we can do to reduce it or help him. Also, if there's even the remotest chance that it was a negative reaction to the vaccine, do we have him vaccinated or not? We've been told to schedule that for 2 weeks time. Additionally, any tips from anyone who's been through this would be much appreciated.Thanks.

Sorry, I forgot to say. The vet and numerous other people all said that diarrhoea from a pup that has parvo has a horrendous smell. Our puppys stools did not smell at all during the 2 days he was at our house. I did tell the vet that, but she made no further comment in that respect. Does the fact it didn't smell make it less likely it was parvo?
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You have been lucky that the puppy survived at all parvo is deadly on small puppies take your vets advice and go ahead with his vaccines , is there a possibility that he didnt get his first vaccine ? a lot of disreputable breeders give false papers . The smell of parvo is quite distinctive but not until it really takes hold trust the vets judgement if the tests were done it was parvo . I hope he continues to thrive for you well done on not letting him go breeder and saving his life
Thanks for your reply, I was starting to think no one was ever going to respond! Well since I posted that, a lot has happened. He ended up having a cough and we realised that what we initially thought was dry heaving, was in fact coughing as it became quite severe. Anyway, we treated him with time in a steamy bathroom and honey, and the cough has all but gone. Meanwhile he's become more energetic every day, he's eating well, playing a lot and all seems well. He finished his meds the other day and so far, no sickness. He's scheduled to have his first injection next week. Yes, it is quite possible that the papers were false so we're just starting the course again to be on the safe side. Despite all the problems, I'm so glad I didn't listen to all the people who said to me "just return him". When I look at him scampering around the room and running up to me for hugs and play, it's awful to think how the little guys life could have ended before it had even really begun.