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Parker Is Poorly

Whippets Rule

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My poor little beagle boy isn't very well at all at the moment.

We've been to the vets tonight and he's had some blood tests because he was behaving oddly and shivering and acting like he was in shock.

He is anaemic and poss bleeding inside somewhere which bears out the "shock" symptoms. This could be bleeding inside due to a seizure but where or what we don't know.

He also has inflammation somewhere about his person and his liver is not working properly.

He is unable to control his body temperature so he ranges from dreadful shivering to panting like a madman.

We have a course of antibiotics and some tablets to support his liver function and he had a vitamin B injection.We are going back in a week(unless he gets worse)for further blood tests and a blood smear etc to see what is going on after liver support etc and to find out if we can pin down the cause.

Please keep your fingers crossed for Parker, he is extremely special to me.....i totally can't cope with all the worry,it just reduces me to tears and i'm not that kinda gal really.

Why is loving my dog so stressful? they just totally get under your skin,grab your heart and stay there and it makes it bloody hard to let them go :(
I wish with all my heart that little Parker improves. I know just what you are going through as my dear JED had an epiletic fit about 6 weeks ago which shocked me in the middle of the night with no cause. He has since had another two seizures just as bad and at night and I am a nervous wreck. He has had blood tests etc. and the vet cannot find the cause. He is on phenobarbitone tablets

I am watching him all the time and can hardly sleep waiting for the next fit.

Between the turns he seems OK. How old is Parker? Jed is coming up to 10 and been fit all his life.

Good luck for the future with him
Hi Rocky

Parker is four and he first started having fits last November and he is on 90mg of phenobarb twice a day but the last ten days since we used Frontline combo he has been very unwell.

The vet said tonight that Parker may have had a seizure causing an internal bleed as a result of the adverse reaction to the Frontline.

There is only one tiny ray of hope which is...if parkers main problem is his liver he may be able to have longterm support which could mean less fits/no fits but frankly its all up in the air again and bloody scarey.

I totally feel for you if your dog is fitting because it's very frightening and takes a while to come to terms's normal for dogs to fit at night especially in the early hours when their brains are more wishes to both you and your dog
wish i could say something to help you,but no words could take the pain and upset away,i do pray parker improves, dear little man. :(

keep strong even though its the hardest thing :(
Thinking of you and Parker :huggles: such a hard time for you... Good luck Parker - praying for you. :luck: :luck:
I'm thinking about you and Parker.

Here's hoping he pulls through from this episode.

Im sorry to hear about your dog being poorly :( ,you are doing everything in your power to help the little darling. [waiting for results seems like an age.] I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Best of luck :luck: :luck:
Thinking of you and hoping Parker improves soon. :luck: :huggles: :luck:
I'm so sorry to hear Parker isn't well. Thinking of him (and you), I hope things improve for him soon :luck: :luck:
Oh no! I'm absolutely gutted to read this :( Got everything crossed for Parker and you, please give him some huggles from me. :huggles: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Thinking of you :wub: Keep strong :huggles: everything crossed :luck: :luck: hoping for some better news on parker soon :huggles:
wishing you both all the very best and hope things improve very soon :huggles: :huggles:
poor Parker, he must be feeling so confused, keeping all figers and paws crossed he soon settles and they can treat him, CHIN UP :huggles: to you both
cuddles to the lovely parker.hope hes better soon :luck: :luck: :luck: :huggles:
thanks for the good wishes guys.

Parker is no better today but i just gave him some Metacam hidden in a sardine and he actually ate it so in a way that's a bit of progress.( i apologised to my oldie whippets for giving one of their precious sardines to a non pointy thing :lol: they gave me a dirty look :lol: )

Getting a dog to take large pills when he doesn't even want to eat is proving challenging and it's upsetting Parker when i push a tablet down his throat :b .

He is such a cute dog and a right little bugger at times but i wouldn't trade him for anything....he's a proper hound.

thanks again everyone...i'll update this thread when we get some news....just keep everything crossed for us. xxxxxxxxx
I've been wondering how he was since I last heard from you on the rat forum (Sarah) I'm so sorry to hear he's not improving, I'll be thinking of you and hope he gets a little better soon
my thoughts are with lil Parker and hope he makes a recovery..

just recently we have had two BIG scares with our old girl Blu (16 this year !!!)

and even from the point of beig so poorly she didnt want to go out for food or ANYTHING she has bounced back to erm..... sleeping upside down on the sofa like she has for the last 13 years.....(got her when she was 3) :teehee:

I know what you mean about how they can creep into your hearts in a way you never even notice until forced to by something happening...

the night Blu was diagnosed with Pyo and then started leaking confirming it is probably the first time the neighbours had heard a grown man cry himself to sleep

hope all goes well with the boy though an keep us informed!

:( more good wishes from us.

Just remember that it's only you doing all the worrying, Parker is probably in blisfull ignorance :huggles: