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Dunno if you remembered i posted that i had pain in my arm a few weeks ago, well its got damn worse, feels like theres a knife stuck in my arm between my shoulder and elbow, i know us men are supposed to be whimps were pain is concerned, arhritus do you think, i dunno were to put the bugger for relief

Take some ibroprofen Keith than get yourself off to the docs tomorrow :thumbsup: :huggles:
Wondered if it could be a touch of fibromyalgia?? It's an arthritis-related disorder which can cause muscular pain but not so much in the upper arm. My mum had it a few years back and it affected her neck and shoulders very badly, but it did pass and she is fine now :)

I copied this off a website for you .....

Fibromyalgia: Sometimes called fibrositis, a chronic disorder that causes pain and stiffness throughout the tissues that support and move the bones and joints. Pain and localized tender points occur in the muscles, particularly those that support the neck, spine, shoulders, and hips. The disorder includes widespread pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances.

Doesn't really sound the same :unsure:

Best to ask the doc, Keith ..... hopefully he can come up with a diagnosis :thumbsup:
Trapped nerve perhaps? Trip to the doc in order I think. I once had pains in wrist which turned out to be caused by a neck injury!

Got to stop jumping over all those fences with Jill perhaps?

Hope you get it sorted soon.
Get yourself off to the doctor-chappy please Keith - you've put up with it long enough. :(

*thinks* Sounds a bit like 'frozen shoulder' that my Dad used to get - he was in agony. Can't remember what exactly it was but it was to do with the nerve. But it does go away with time. He used to get relief from steroid injections and although he hated needles the pain-relief was worth it.
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All good advice Keith :thumbsup:

Let us know what the Doc says and :luck:

midlanderkeith said:
Dunno if you remembered i posted that i had pain in my arm a few weeks ago, well its got damn worse, feels like theres a knife stuck in my arm between my shoulder and elbow, i know us men are supposed to be whimps were pain is concerned, arhritus do you think, i dunno were to put the bugger for relief                      keith

Couldnt see a doctor fer love nor money today, tomorrow morning at 9 40, with a doctor HARDON, true i tell no lies, trouble is i dunno whether its a male or female

i will crack up tomoz i no i will :lol:
midlanderkeith said:
midlanderkeith said:
Dunno if you remembered i posted that i had pain in my arm a few weeks ago, well its got damn worse, feels like theres a knife stuck in my arm between my shoulder and elbow, i know us men are supposed to be whimps were pain is concerned, arhritus do you think, i dunno were to put the bugger for relief                       keith

Couldnt see a doctor fer love nor money today, tomorrow morning at 9 40, with a doctor HARDON, true i tell no lies, trouble is i dunno whether its a male or female

i will crack up tomoz i no i will :lol:

i really hope its a to see you trying to keep a straight face....................make sure you dont look down keith :- " (w00t)
:luck: :luck: :luck: at the Doc's Keith,will be thinking of you tonight mate,when im talking with the BOSS.
midlanderkeith said:
midlanderkeith said:
Dunno if you remembered i posted that i had pain in my arm a few weeks ago, well its got damn worse, feels like theres a knife stuck in my arm between my shoulder and elbow, i know us men are supposed to be whimps were pain is concerned, arhritus do you think, i dunno were to put the bugger for relief                       keith

Couldnt see a doctor fer love nor money today, tomorrow morning at 9 40, with a doctor HARDON, true i tell no lies, trouble is i dunno whether its a male or female

i will crack up tomoz i no i will :lol:

we used to have a doctor Smellie!i kid you not! :lol: good luck hope you get sorted :luck:
What did the doc say, Keith?? Hope you're on the mend :thumbsup:
Keith ~ I hope the Doctor has given you something for your pain and you will soon be back to your usual self. :huggles:
Have you seen Dr. Hardon then Keith?


What did He/she say?


midlanderkeith said:
Dunno if you remembered i posted that i had pain in my arm a few weeks ago, well its got damn worse, feels like theres a knife stuck in my arm between my shoulder and elbow, i know us men are supposed to be whimps were pain is concerned, arhritus do you think, i dunno were to put the bugger for relief                      keith

Went see the doc this morning, male doctor, Faddy Hardon, eh only me could cop fer someonewith a name like that, anyways it like i thought arthritus, ive had it in my neck fer yonks, so its travelling, i woke up in the night to scratch my pate, and my arm just fell on the bed, couldnt hold the bugger up :lol: but if thats alli have to put up with in life then im a happy chappy dont u agree, he asked how old i was and was surprised when i told him, he says im in good condition, now then ive been in deep cack several times in my life but im in up to the neck now, IVE LOST MY WEDDING RING OF 20 ODD YRS, dear me if ruthy finds out thats me finished, ive searched high n low for it and its doin my head in, even been back to the surgery to see if its there, she will be deeply upset if she finds out and she will, having said all that, it means a great deal to me, spose id best tell her

midlanderkeith said:
midlanderkeith said:
Dunno if you remembered i posted that i had pain in my arm a few weeks ago, well its got damn worse, feels like theres a knife stuck in my arm between my shoulder and elbow, i know us men are supposed to be whimps were pain is concerned, arhritus do you think, i dunno were to put the bugger for relief                       keith

Went see the doc this morning, male doctor, Faddy Hardon, eh only me could cop fer someonewith a name like that, anyways it like i thought arthritus, ive had it in my neck fer yonks, so its travelling, i woke up in the night to scratch my pate, and my arm just fell on the bed, couldnt hold the bugger up :lol: but if thats alli have to put up with in life then im a happy chappy dont u agree, he asked how old i was and was surprised when i told him, he says im in good condition, now then ive been in deep cack several times in my life but im in up to the neck now, IVE LOST MY WEDDING RING OF 20 ODD YRS, dear me if ruthy finds out thats me finished, ive searched high n low for it and its doin my head in, even been back to the surgery to see if its there, she will be deeply upset if she finds out and she will, having said all that, it means a great deal to me, spose id best tell her


Expect she'll notice you've not got it on Keith so best to tell her :) :luck: :luck:

Keeping my fingers x'd that it turns up soon :thumbsup:

Nice that you found out what's up with your arm ... hope it doesn't hurt too much :cheers:
Glad you went now follow what he says and youll be ok

Just tell Ruth and maybe youll find it between you :thumbsup: