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Pain In The ....... Eater


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can anybody help with a fussie eater tried most things , any supplements i can give to him ??????(racing dog))) :rant:
Tuna or raw tripe mixed with there regular meal usally does the trick with my dog.
Horlicks or Marmite ..........Full of vitamins and tasty as well .......
mix grated cheese in with normal food- worked for mine
any oily fish like herring, mackerel or sardines.hed have to be dead to turn his nose up to that!its great for their coats too! :thumbsup:
I gave up feeding Robbie all the tripe / fish / cheese etc :( ,,he just would not eat it :angry: . If you look back,,2001 I think,,the topic is Fussy Mutt,,,a lot of advice is in there. I tried it all out as the fussy mutt was Robbie and he never ate any of it :rant: :rant: . He is now fed Pasta / Chicken / Rump Steak / and he now eats Chudley's Racing food :)) . He is getting better at eating and has gained 2 rch and a Nch this year so he can run OK on this diet.

Hope you get your dog eating and winning :D :cheers: