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Pain after surgery to remove mammary tumours


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Hi ,I am new to this site but would appreciate some advice if anyone has had similar experience with their dog or knows more about it than I do .My 7 year old bitch Fiona ,developed 3 mammary tumours and she went to the vet 4 months ago about them as they seemed to grow quite quickly . On examination I was told she also has a grade 4 /5 heart murmur . There had been no sign of this a year previously .To cut a long story short ,I was uncertain about surgery and delayed for 4 months as I was worried about heart failure, having recently lost another dog to it . The surgery was 8 days ago and for the past 3 days ,Fiona has seemed uncomfortable on walking ,If she has to get up, she squeals and scurries from A to B as quick as possible so that she can sit down again . If allowed she would not move off the sofa. She tries to pick at her stitches immediately on movement . At rest she seems fine .Could they be stretching the skin when she walks ? Her appetite is picky ( unusual). She had her post op check 3 days ago but she was not bothered by her wounds at the time to the extent she is now . The biopsy of the lumps has come back positive for malignancy and Fiona is returning to the vet next week as an area of the wound seems a bit 'lumpy' which the vet thinks is likely to be due to the surgery . Fiona is on daily metacam .Sorry for the long post but wondering if she should go back before next week,or is this normal ?
I had a beagle operated on for mamary tumours. She was in terrible pain and her tummy was black with bruises. She used to cry with pain when moving as well. She got over it alright but it was a very sorry sight watching her. This was a few years ago now but if you are unsure about your bitch I would ring your vet and ask.
You are her mum, you know her best..if you are worried speak to the vet...she has had surgery so she will be sore, and no doubt her sticthes are starting to knit and pull in a bit..making her feel tight and itchy. if you are worried speak to he vet..