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Owen's First Frozen Water Experience


*blackaholic* with contagious whippetitus
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just got back from my walk with my lot and i am frozen solid from the waist down :angry:

my stupid devil dog Owen was having his usual mad'un round the lake when he decided to to turn left instead of right and ran right onto the frozen water after a duck, he skidded about 12 feet out, the ice gave way and he was left with just his front feet and head above water :eek: :eek: :eek:

i legged it down there as fast as i could but as his every effort to get out was just breaking more ice around him i had no option. . .i had to go in after him. . .whoa is that water ever cold when it hits your bum :blink:

do you think he has learnt his lesson? nope!! as i plonked him back onto land again he turned round and stuck his paw out as if he was going to test the ice again, at this point i'm affraid to say that i slapped his bum :angry: :angry: :angry:

anyone wanna dog? :rant:
Oooooooooooh! Becka, poor you!!! It's cold enough down here but ........... north of Watford! (w00t)

What is it about this week, all the Whips seem to have the devil in them at the moment!!!
Awww poor little Owen, glad you could go out on the ice and get him back without drowning yourself and the dog, take it the water was a bit chilly, bet you was skinny dipping really werent you go on admit it. :- "
were's the camera when you need it lol.

alls well that ends well. :thumbsup:
PMSL (w00t) What a sight that mustve been...but in the same time i bet you were panicking. Now you know you dont mean it about him...we all have to have at least one 'devil' dog in the pack!
oooooooooooooooooooooooo how horrible for you both (w00t)

I hope that you're both warm now :huggles:
(w00t) (w00t) thank god you went in Becka doesn't bare thinking about the alternative :thumbsup:

Hope you've thawed out :huggles:
Becca one day you'll be able to look back on Owen's little endearing habits and have a good laugh. Just like we are all doing now. (w00t) :lol:

Seriously glad that you and him are okay.
OMG thank goodness you are all right, you do hear some awful tales about people going out to rescue dogs and the dog is fine and it's the rescuer who goes under!!! :eek:

Anyway, so glad he is all right, I'm sure I'd have done anything possible to save the little monkey too! :sweating: :teehee: :thumbsup:
Thank godness you are both ok, if but a little cold :oops:

Hope you have thawed out now !

Thank goodness you are both ok. could quite well have been me yesterday - I found a trout skimming around on top of the ice on the river - so decided to give it a helping hand back in .. .....through an unfrozen part of the water by pushing him with a stick.

Its a wonder I didnt fall in - with my luck lately and the dogs were fascinated too (w00t) - but luckily one trout owes me one now. :thumbsup:
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:( OH dear, hope you are both ok now.

Had the same thing happen to us last sunday, with guess who LINKY :rant:

He flew straight in a frozen pond, the ice was so thick he had a job to break it and swim out :eek:

He was getting tired very quick, so lucky HO was with me and in he ran, scooped Link up and waded out.

Link was coverd in black smelly slime :x so was HO they stunk :x

Had no ill effects, but we came straight home both had a warm bath :- "
dessie said:
Oooooooooooh!  Becka, poor you!!!  It's cold enough down here but ........... north of Watford!  (w00t)
What is it about this week, all the Whips seem to have the devil in them at the moment!!!

Don't even go there :rant: :rant: :rant:

Hope you are a lot warmer now Becca and Owen Bless him ! :- "
problem was i had to go to work just after,so i've been driving around with the heater on full blast but i can still hardly feel my feet :( i'm on my break at the mo and have them on a hot water bottle :D

apart from a couple of scratches where i dragged him over the ice, devil dog is just fine <_< flippin typical :angry:

My main worry was if he panicked and slipped under the unbroken section he could have ended up anywhere and would have drowned. good job i knew the lake is only shallow at the sides or i might have thought twice about going in :- "

just checking and i still can't feel my feet properly, chill blanes here we come :lol:
Glad both of you are ok, must of been scary at the time.

Brandy and a hot bath for you tonight! :cheers:
Ya need some thermals Becca :lol: :lol: :lol:

OMG how scary for you both, glad you got him out and are both safe :thumbsup:
(w00t) what a scare! :blink: Glad you're both OK :huggles: :thumbsup:
OMG thank god you're both ok :huggles: to you both

A couple of years ago a friends border collie went on to a frozen cannel the ice gave way the dog went under and dispite atempts by loads of people they could not break the ice and sadly he drowned he was a show dog with immense potential and she was a very responsible owner she did obedience with all her dogs and took training classes at a local sports centre

Hot bath and brandy for you tonight
just started on the smirnoff so hopefully that will thaw me out :- "

my feet aren't too bad at the mo but the cellulite on me arse is still frozen :eek: :lol: .

worse still i'm getting the central heating sorted at the moment so all the radiators are cold :( could just about cope before my dog turned me into a half icicle half human :angry:

after all that life risking i did for him you would think he would be gratefull, sadly NO. . . i have just got in from work and discovered a huge hole in the sofa and a sheepish looking devil pup :devil:

must go double check for 666's on him again o:)