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Over exercising puppy


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I have a (currently) 13 week old Border Terrier bitch.

I got her at 8 weeks, at 9 weeks she had her second set of vaccinations, at 10 weeks I started taking her for walks outwith the garden.

She now regularly does a mile 3 times a day. She has done a 3mile walk in one go and another mile or so the same day. In addition, she runs around the garden and house, sometimes quite manically. She never shows any distress, eg panting.

She does sleep well though!!

Now, I was given a Border Terrier book which says that at 12 weeks, she should be able to do half a mile without distress. I do recall hearing/reading somewhere that puppies shouldn't be overexercised due to still developing bones/joints/muscles etc, so am I expecting too much too soon?
Owwwwww, i dont know about your breed, but i have a GSD x collie and my vet told me there id a formular for large breed pups, 5 mins for each month of life till they are 12months. I have to say ,she is 8 months now and we do more than that just because she has endless energy..speak to you vet..3 miles sounds alot fot a tiny pup x
Thanks for the info. I have spoken to vet, she recommends maximum 10 minutes walking for every month, up to 6 months, then whatever you like.

So we have been overdoing it a bit after all.

Thanks again.
I should have added that it's 10 minutes per month twice a day - so at the moment, that would be 2 times 30 minutes. Plus, the vet says she can do as much running about in the garden as she wants, so all in all, not too bad.

And next month it will be 2 times 40 mins, then 50, then an hour, then I'll be the one wanting to slow down!!
yea..i did think it was maybe a bit much but my pup is large breed and its abit different for large breed dogs..of course as im sure you know, you just cant keep puppies still but its the hard pounding on pavements thats bad for his joints i think :)
I had the same issue with our new pup, but we're all sorted now thankfully. We had our lurcher pup at 4mths old and started off just walking him around the block for half hour or so every day to get him used to the lead. A few weeks later, I took him out with our other dog who is a 3yr old staffy and full of energy! I'm out with my staffy at least an hour and half every day and she gets a good run off lead during this time, as does the pup when he comes with us (although I always bring him back before her so he doesn't tire himself out) It was only after the first three or four times I took them out together that I read it wasn't good for young pups to do too much too soon. I asked the vets advice immediately and was told the puppy needed 5 minutes per month of age twice a day, but the odd longer walk would be ok, as long as it wasn't 'pavement pounding'. My dogs regularly go for a run around the local woods and that's ok. It does us all the world of good too!

Hope this helps
Our pup comes out with us on our daily 2 hour walks which our older dog needs, but she doesn't walk all the way. I let her walk to the field and back (probs 30 minutes altogether) and let her play off lead with other dogs but when she is tired I'll either pick her up and carry her, or she will just plonk down for a bit and chew her toy. She has even fallen asleep before now.

I agree getting out and about does a world of good and a tired dog is generally a good dog! As soon as we get home both of mine curl up for the night and I can get out with other things without having to constantly supervise - everyone is too knackered to do anything!
I can't believe some of you doing the amount of walking for a pup, your overdoing it geez I'm glad I'm not the dogs yaa loons, be sensible